Monday, August 11, 2008

strike midnight

So Jake has a job now! I am so happy. We might be able to get our own place by Nov. Plus Jake was able to do some temp work a few weeks ago, so that will help with our bills for this month. He is probably starting work on Monday, one week from now. Once he starts work I am not really sure what I am going to do all day. I am putting off finding a part time job until we get our own place. Because I want to see where we are going to live, and look around there for a job. Since we are in the city, I am really hoping to get a job somewhere that I can walk to. Gas is so expensive! I have been really really tired lately. And I have been irritable, and impatient... bad Vanessa. So I have kind of been in a stinker mood for the past week or two. Still happy sometimes, but kind of just down and not wanting to do much with Jakes family. But I am better now, see :D Anyways, Jake and I have been so blessed, not only recently, but our entire marriage. Right when we are in a spot that we don't know what we are going to do, God blesses us with everything we need and more! There have been times when we didn't know how we were going to make rent, at all, and all the sudden a student loan that we were supposed to get some months before (that we didn't even realize we were missing from back then) shows up as being deposited in our bank account! And then just a few weeks ago we had some bills that we needed to pay and we had no money since Jake was out of a job and I hadn't found one yet either, and one of our elders gave us some money that a family from Michigan sent over to our church for anyone who needed some help! God is so amazing. After Jake got the official offer from his new employers we got a gift of money for work clothes for Jake! So we were able to go out and get him the work clothes that he'll need to start out. Then we can get him some more after he gets paid. Anyways, I am just so thankful for all the gifts that we have been given, and for Gods provision! I have not been crafting too much lately. I think mostly because I have not had a table to do it on. When Jakes family went on a one week vacation I took over their dining room table and made cards all week with the two girls that are staying upstairs with the family Jake and I are staying with. We made so many cards that we ended up going out to the local craft store to get some more cardstock for us! They made such wonderful cards too! I made my first mini craft book with some book marks, mini cards and tags inside. I really like how it turned out. I might make some more as gifts for some other friends. I gave that one to a wonderful woman in our church as a thank you gift for all the hard work she does. I also made some little felt purses/bags for the two little girls to put all their cards in, because they are traveling back to Holland soon and I wanted their cards to stay nice! I will post photos of all my recent creations on my crafting blog :) Well Jake and I are taking the day off from his family. Because I realized that I need a break every once and a while, and I need Jake to take the break with me, otherwise I feel really lonely and lame. So today we are resting together. We have both skipped breakfast in order to have a really nice lunch out together :) And my tummy is GROWLING! So I think its about time to go get that yummy food! TFR! (thanks for reading)