Sunday, August 9, 2009


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

another day

well its just another day over here in the Rothenbuhler house :) Its a "warmer" Summer day for us at 68 degrees. I'm being totally serious! It has been so overcast and cold lately this Summer. But today I actually took off my sweater on my walk, and opened the back door when I got home to let in the cool breeze. I have not been feeling well lately so there is a pile of housework to do. I just finished up my first session of college this Summer! I don't know my grades yet, I am patiently waiting. I took History and Algebra. I hated my Algebra teacher, and loved my History teacher. I know I got an A in History, and I am hoping for an A in Algebra. Well I know this is short, but my head is pounding. I just wanted to post some kind of an update!