Thursday, July 29, 2010
almost there!
ok, I am about to head into my classroom to take my final. Wish me luck! I have two tests riding on this grade instead of one! I know I can do well, I just need to actually do it :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
extra credit

I had my last exam yesterday (note: not my final, just the last exam... totally different) And at the very end there was an extra credit question worth 4 points, which was more than some of the real problems were worth. So I really wanted to get it, but I did not :( Now that I know what the answer is, I will see if you guys can get it! But no cheating! No google searches and whatnot, just see if you can figure it out or not :)
What are the next three terms in this sequence?
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211,...
guess away! When I figured it out last night I thought it was a really clever riddle/problem :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Summer Skips

I think perhaps I am learning the act of finding a balance between loosing my mind and not caring at all. I only think. I hope I am. I was an absolute mess a week ago after a long night of not sleeping and a hard day of not getting my homework. Since then I have been much more at ease with my homework and life in general. I have had a few moments of worrying about not getting something done that I wanted to, but overall better. Sometimes, though life doesn't cooperate with you, you still move forward. I have been not only having the stress of school this Summer, but family stress as well. So many things all at once. And yet somehow I feel like I am still growing. My my my, what can I say without saying too much? I am so frustrated with many of my adult family members, I'm hurt by them, and ashamed of their behavior. I cannot change them, I can only react the way I see fit. And I haven't figured out yet how I see fit to react. I think I will write a letter to my best friend today if I have the time :) I need to talk to someone, and get an outsiders opinion...
BTW!!! Only 4 more days until Shelly tells us her big news!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Within Sight
Ha! I arrived early to class and got a parking spot! Therefore I have a little time on my hands. The end of Summer school is within sight! I can see it. Only a week and a half left. But there is so much to do within that small window of time. We have 1 more exam 5 more quizes, and a final. And lets not even get started with thinking about how much homework there will be! These past few days were not as hard as my normal days are. The time leading up to exams have been really great for me this semester. Which is the polar opposite of how it normally is for me. I am a really bad test taker. I could be one of the best in the classes and fail my tests. It's just the way it has always been for me. But in this class I have been able to retain things, for the most part. And the tests haven't completely stumped me thus far. Fingers crossed! Tomorrow I get my last exam's score back. I'm so anxious. The first exam I could tell that I did well. There were only a few things that I wasn't sure about. But with this one, it was a little harder and I felt a little more rushed. So I wasn't able to go back through and check my answers at the end. But I gave it my best go. The most wonderful thing about exam days is the fact that we have no homework :) That is if you finished all the homework you were supposed to before the exam and don't have to play catch up on that "free" day. I always finish before, so I always have a "free" day. Yesterday kind of flopped though. I ended up feeling like I didn't know what I really wanted to do. I guess what would've been best was if I would've been able to take a nap. Oh well. I made a scrapbook page from our trip to LA this year, and went out to dinner with my cousins and Aunt (it was my Aunt's bday), then I came home and watched the movie Remember Me. Well, I need to head over to my classroom now! I hope this mini post makes you all happy. I hope to get back into my blogging asap!