Thursday, September 30, 2010
Don't you just hate it when people post blogs telling you what they are thinking about blogging later? That's what I'm doing right now. I've been collecting photos of "geekery" things, mostly iPhone/iPad cases. I'm planning on blogging about it soon... Interested?! I'm so lame.... And mean...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
So in 2 days we will find out if I met my goal! My goal starting in the middle of August was to get down to 140lbs by the end of September. I am not a girl who is too fidgety about saying how much I actually weigh. It doesn't really matter in the end. I just want to be healthy and skinny :D Anyways, my top weight ever was 159lbs. But when I set this goal in August (actually Jake set it, one for him and one for me)I weighed 153lbs. Whew. So 13lbs lost in a month and a half. I was really nervous when he set the goal. I didn't think there was any way I could lose that much by the end of Sept. That was a lot of weight. And I have been trying to lose weight for a while. Its not been going as well as I would like. But here we go, I said "lets do it!" I want to be skinny again like I was in high school. Those were the good days :) I am really uncomfortable with my stomach. Thats the one thing I really want to change. I love doing sit ups in my dance class because I really hope that its helping get that area flat again, as well as the weight loss :) Anyways, I have been really trying this past month and a half. Having a short term goal quickly showed to be better than my long time goal of getting back down to 120-130lbs. In this goal I could see the deadline, and it wasn't that far ahead of me. I had to be careful, and deligent. I got really sick for about 2 weeks (ended a week ago) and I didn't lose any weight that whole time, but thankfully I didn't gain any back either. I just maintained. Because it was so close to being the end of Sept. when I finally felt better and got back into the swing of things I felt like I wouldn't realize my goal. However, I got a glimpse of hope this morning when I weighed in at 140.2lbs!!! I just might cross that finish line in 2 days at either 140lbs, or lower! I am so crazy excited. I hope it happens! Its normal to flexuate a little, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up weighing 141lbs tomorrow and still make it down to 140lbs on the 30th. We will see. The end is near!

Friday, September 17, 2010
Ok I might not have mentioned this before, but it kind of goes without mention that Psychology teachers are crazy. And mine is no exception. A lot of the time I have a hard time following her in class and getting what she is meaning when she is rambling on about the same thing but in different ways, and continually repeating herself. I get what we are going over in class because I read the chapters and do the study questions. But those who haven't been are totally lost in her class. But today I understood everything she taught. And today it really hit home for me. Today I almost cried in class. Today I saw the genius in her. Today was the first day I enjoyed her whole class and wasn't counting down the minutes for the end. Today was the first time I wanted more time, more information. I like that, but at the same time, I don't want to revisit today's class tomorrow, or ever really. I just appreciate that it happened, and that it was taught well. Ugh, I know this is so vague, but I don't want to be too specific and spend too much time trying to explain what I'm feeling or why I feel that way. I just wanted to express this much, and now I have to go do hw!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Boring and exciting at the same time
So let's start off with the exciting! I had a great anniversary with Jake last Thursday. I don't know where the past four years went, but I know I had a wonderful time spending them with him! We tried a new restaurant for dinner and it turned out being a great place! Then we went to the California Science Academy. We watched a cool planetarium show, looked at the MANY aquariums, looked at the African section, and more. But we did miss out on the rainforest because it closed before we got to it. Then we came home and watched some tv and got some sleep. We were both still sick so I'm glad we were able to do anything at all!
Next, we had my family birthday party on Saturday. For my birthday this year I just asked for money to go towards my savings for an iPad for school. To my great surprise I received an iPad instead of money!!! I still can't believe I have it already! I thought I was going to have to save up for a couple more months at the least :) I'm writing this blog on it now :) While laying in bed I might add. Because I'm still sick :(
As for the boring part... I'm still in school of course and today I started my first midterms week. I had my biology midterm today. I think it went well. Of course time will tell for sure. Tomorrow I have my calculus midterm. I'm not really looking forward to that one! At least with today's midterm I felt prepared and not nervous at all. I almost always get nervous for the math tests!
Ok well sorry this is so short but I need to get a nap or even just some rest in, so ttyl guys!
Next, we had my family birthday party on Saturday. For my birthday this year I just asked for money to go towards my savings for an iPad for school. To my great surprise I received an iPad instead of money!!! I still can't believe I have it already! I thought I was going to have to save up for a couple more months at the least :) I'm writing this blog on it now :) While laying in bed I might add. Because I'm still sick :(
As for the boring part... I'm still in school of course and today I started my first midterms week. I had my biology midterm today. I think it went well. Of course time will tell for sure. Tomorrow I have my calculus midterm. I'm not really looking forward to that one! At least with today's midterm I felt prepared and not nervous at all. I almost always get nervous for the math tests!
Ok well sorry this is so short but I need to get a nap or even just some rest in, so ttyl guys!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I was just talking to Jake last night about how sometimes I wonder WHY I am going back to school. I don't think I would feel this way if I had gone to college right out of high school and got married in the middle of college or afterwards. But because I was married for 3yrs before going back and my priorities in life had already shifted I feel somewhat lost about this whole thing, sometimes. I guess the key word for me to remember is "sometimes". Because as I was thinking to myself last night about how hard this is, and how tired I am, and how I am not getting the time to do things that I want to do, and how everything I think about and talk about for the most part is school, I remembered how amazing it is to get an education, to learn all the things I am learning and have already learned. I remembered how excited I get no when someone is talking about something and I actually know what they are talking about and give my opinion on it, or help them solve a problem and what not. I am happy that I have gone back to school. I will be happy in a few years when I graduate. I may have taken the longer road to getting there and going back, but I'm there now. And I know its a good thing. I need to focus on that, and not the "sometimes" :)