ok so I have more news to tell than I can remember...
Well... Jake is still looking for a job. I have started looking for a part time job as well. The family reunion was so much fun! I met Madeline and Elisabeth my twin 3 year old cousins! At one point in the camping trip all the parents went out for a nice expensive dinner and Tiana (my older sister) and I took out all 17 other kids!!! It was not nearly as bad as it might sound. The only problem we had was the older kids getting a little too loud while we were waiting for the check to come after we finished eatting. But all the little ones were so well behaved! I was so proud of them. And I was SO happy that the parents let us borrow their kids for a nice time out. Many of you who know me know that I LOVE doing things like that. Spending time taking care of kids. Its my thing.
Anyways, I am going dairy free for about five weeks!!! "WHY?!?" you may wonder, well I am trying to find out if the reason I have been feeling sick has been because I am lactose intolerant. I found out that it might run in our family (my grandmother is lactose intolerant). And I have all of the symptoms of it. So we will see. It has been only five days so far, I am going to try to go 3-5 weeks without dairy. And let me tell you its been a little bit of a challenge! I have since realized that I LOVE LOVE LOVE so many things with dairy in them. I never really realized how many things use dairy. I had a hard time finding a loaf of BREAD without milk in it! But most of all I have missed cheese. My husband and I have grown to love lots of cheese... and now I cannot have it. However I have noticed a change in my body. My stomach has felt better, I've lost some weight (!), and my runny nose is not so runny. Perhaps by the full 3-5 weeks most of my health issues will have gone away :) I will let you all know how it goes.
Speaking of all this dairy free stuff... I have since started drinking SOY MILK. To replace the milk in my diet. It seemed to be going well. I didn't mind the taste of it, in fact in some recipes I liked it better with soy milk anyways! I did miss my milk, but it was alright with soy milk. But then last night... I had one of the most firghtening experiences of my life. I had what I believe was an anaphylaxis shock reaction. It was so scary. I'm not trying to just be dramatic, or get attention from my friends. But I really feared for my life for a moment. I couldn't force any air in my throat for a little bit, I just couldn't breath. Finally after I threw up for a minute or two I was able to stand up and gasp in a small amount of air just in time to start throwing up some more. Once I was done throwing up I was still having a very hard time gasping for air. But I was able to breath. Last night when it happened I didn't know what caused it. But the only thing that Jake and I could think of was the half a banana I had had that night, or the soy milk. I assumed it was the banana since I used to be allergic to them. But then today when I had a little more soy (I had just a little to try it again because I was worried) it bothered my thoat again. So I think that I am allergic to soy milk... Tomorrow I will run off to the store to get some rice milk to try. Hopefully my body will react well to it, and that I like the taste of it :)
Ok well I am really tired... and I know there are many more things to talk about.. I'll save them for later! Sorry, I must get some more sleep :)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
So as things turned out, Jake ended up going to the A's game! He felt better, and he REALLY wanted to go. I thought he should stay home and rest, but in the end it was up to him. And he wanted to go. So that way I didn't have to take everyone by myself. The game was pretty good, but we lost! Oh well, you can't win them all. Then on Friday all the Rothenbuhler kiddos went to Great America with Monika. Except Micah stayed home sick :( Jake was looking for jobs most the morning and I was making some cards for a friend. Then Jake got a call from a friend of his for an A's players signing in Oakland. So Jake and I took the Muni and the BART (the bus and "subway" type things here) to get over to Oakland and we were there 10 minutes before it was supposed to be over and they were alreay gone! So instead we just went out for lunch with the friends. It was a nice time visiting , but we spent too much money on it all! LOL. We spent $17 on just the Muni and BART in order to get there! Then when we got back Jake did more job searching and I did more card making :) Then today we went to the bbq party for our friend who's baby girl is 1 now! It was fun. I had a yummy burger, some salad, and some potato salad :) Some people played frisbe and football. Even Elisabeth played along! She was so cute trying to throw the frisbe straight! My allergies were really bothering me though! So I pretty much just watched all the action. After the party we had some pizza for dinner and I got Jake to go on a walk with me down to the store to get some Half-Half so I could try out a recipe for 5minute ice cream in a bag! It was SO YUMMY and SO easy! I made two batches, for all the boys that are over playing video games into the wee hours of the night! I took some benadryl tonight, and it didn't work for my allergies. It just made me tired, but restless. Does that make sense? Anyways, tomorrow we have morning service, lunch, a little break, and then evening service! Surprisingly I didn't make anything today in the craft department! Well unless you include the ice cream creations! I don't know if I will tomorrow or not. I have so many cards and letters I want to send to my friends, but I have no stamps!!! Argh... Well its getting really late here for me and I am at the point to where I am not making much sense.. so goodnight and God bless!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
coffee grinds
So I think that Elisabeth is the only one that started her morning off the way that she wanted to this morning! She started it off with a cupcake! Of course as soon as Monika saw what she was doing told her that she cannot have that for breakfast. Elisabeth tried to plead her case saying that it was her "after lunch dessert", which Monika simply replied to "but its not after lunch yet, go put it away". I can understand Monika's frustration, the kiddos have been having lots of sweets the past few days. And much of those sweets have been right at breakfast time. Of course it does seem like a great way to start your day ;) Much better then how Jakey started his day! He is sick :( He has thrown up four times so far today! I walked down the street to get him some Gatorade by his request. But he is mostly just falling in and out of sleep sitting up in the living room chair...

Poor guy! And I started my day by waking up alone in the neighbors room. Ok wait, that sounded wrong,... we are staying in the neighbors spare bedroom and since Jake was sick he woke up at 5am and went over to his families house, and I was still sleeping in the neighbors room. So when I woke up I was alone, in the neighbors bed. So yeah. I got up and made the bed and got dressed and went over to the families house. I started getting things taken care of for my community service that I have to do. But after I already made three phone calls and paid $20 to get my papers and community service transfered to San Francisco from Los Angeles I was informed that I would still have to come back to Los Angeles before September 29th (my due date for the amount that I owe) in order to turn in my certificate of completion for the community service. So after I talked to the manager about it some more and found out that I really couldn't just mail the papers there that I had to go in person. So I finished that phone call and got online to find the cheapest plane ticket. And then I was talking to Jake about it and realized that I would also have to rent a car. Then the lady from the Los Angeles community service called me and had my papers transfered to San Francisco (so far I have paid $20 for this) and she told me that at that office they are going to charge me an administrative fee. Which would be at least $30. Ontop of that because I had a snippy judge I had to pay $100 out of my total fine (he didn't want me to be able to pay off the whole thing with community service). So so far we are up to $150. And then to fly there and rent a car it was about $275! So now we are up to $425! And my fine is for $319. And that doesn't even include the gas I will need to get to and from community service and for the rental car in Los Angeles, and for the food that I would need while I was out taking care of all of that. So I called back the courthouse to ask them if once the judge has granted me community service if I can just pay the fine instead. Or if there would be some complications with that. Once I got to the part in the automative message where I could put in that I wanted to talk to on operator I was told that there were 79 other people on hold before me waiting for an operator!!! So I put the phone on speaker phone and make an early Christmas card! What fun that was :) Anyways so I FINALLY got to talk to someone and ask my one little question. And then I had to call back the community service office and ask if they could give me back my $20 since I am not going to go to the San Francisco community office to do the community service anyways. Thankfully the lady there was really nice and refunded me and called me back when it was all done and taken care of to let me know. So we have that all taken care now except for mailing in the check. And I don't know if I can still take traffic school. Because the judge set it up with my paper work so that I would get awarded traffic school if I finished my community service on time. Well now that I am not going to do the community service I don't know if I am going to be awarded the traffic school. ARGH!!! Oh well, I am just not going to worry too much about it. This is life, things like that happen. So we will see if after I send in my check they give me traffic school or not. If not, then oh well. I am pretty much done stressing about it. And while I was taking care of all of this all the ice in my iced mocha that I made this morning had melted and made my drink really watery! So I just dumped that and went outside and took a photo of the cute Christmas card that I made while on the phone so that I could post that on my craft blog over at http://craftsbyvanessarothenbuhler.blogspot.com/ ! Then I went to have some lunch and all the roast beef was gone, and all the chicken was gone! So I had to have a BLT without the tomotoes! But it was alright :) Then I updated my card blog and now this one. It appears that tonight I am taking all the kiddos over to the game since Jake has fallen ill today! So that will be an adventure for SURE!

Poor guy! And I started my day by waking up alone in the neighbors room. Ok wait, that sounded wrong,... we are staying in the neighbors spare bedroom and since Jake was sick he woke up at 5am and went over to his families house, and I was still sleeping in the neighbors room. So when I woke up I was alone, in the neighbors bed. So yeah. I got up and made the bed and got dressed and went over to the families house. I started getting things taken care of for my community service that I have to do. But after I already made three phone calls and paid $20 to get my papers and community service transfered to San Francisco from Los Angeles I was informed that I would still have to come back to Los Angeles before September 29th (my due date for the amount that I owe) in order to turn in my certificate of completion for the community service. So after I talked to the manager about it some more and found out that I really couldn't just mail the papers there that I had to go in person. So I finished that phone call and got online to find the cheapest plane ticket. And then I was talking to Jake about it and realized that I would also have to rent a car. Then the lady from the Los Angeles community service called me and had my papers transfered to San Francisco (so far I have paid $20 for this) and she told me that at that office they are going to charge me an administrative fee. Which would be at least $30. Ontop of that because I had a snippy judge I had to pay $100 out of my total fine (he didn't want me to be able to pay off the whole thing with community service). So so far we are up to $150. And then to fly there and rent a car it was about $275! So now we are up to $425! And my fine is for $319. And that doesn't even include the gas I will need to get to and from community service and for the rental car in Los Angeles, and for the food that I would need while I was out taking care of all of that. So I called back the courthouse to ask them if once the judge has granted me community service if I can just pay the fine instead. Or if there would be some complications with that. Once I got to the part in the automative message where I could put in that I wanted to talk to on operator I was told that there were 79 other people on hold before me waiting for an operator!!! So I put the phone on speaker phone and make an early Christmas card! What fun that was :) Anyways so I FINALLY got to talk to someone and ask my one little question. And then I had to call back the community service office and ask if they could give me back my $20 since I am not going to go to the San Francisco community office to do the community service anyways. Thankfully the lady there was really nice and refunded me and called me back when it was all done and taken care of to let me know. So we have that all taken care now except for mailing in the check. And I don't know if I can still take traffic school. Because the judge set it up with my paper work so that I would get awarded traffic school if I finished my community service on time. Well now that I am not going to do the community service I don't know if I am going to be awarded the traffic school. ARGH!!! Oh well, I am just not going to worry too much about it. This is life, things like that happen. So we will see if after I send in my check they give me traffic school or not. If not, then oh well. I am pretty much done stressing about it. And while I was taking care of all of this all the ice in my iced mocha that I made this morning had melted and made my drink really watery! So I just dumped that and went outside and took a photo of the cute Christmas card that I made while on the phone so that I could post that on my craft blog over at http://craftsbyvanessarothenbuhler.blogspot.com/ ! Then I went to have some lunch and all the roast beef was gone, and all the chicken was gone! So I had to have a BLT without the tomotoes! But it was alright :) Then I updated my card blog and now this one. It appears that tonight I am taking all the kiddos over to the game since Jake has fallen ill today! So that will be an adventure for SURE!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
strawhat shadows
Well we have moved to San Francisco!!! The move was hard, and not too hard at the same time. I got really sore and stiff from all the packing and moving. Then we had to worry about how we were going to move my little aquarium! Because we have to leave on the lights, heater, and filters. So we had to take it in the car with it plugged in. Well thats not too hard, except for the fact that we couldn't take out any of the water or the filters wouldn't work. So we had to get some plummers putty and try to seal the lid on the tank and move it that way. It worked, just barely! towards the end it was leaking water out of a hole in the lid where the cords to the filter and heater go in. Because my husband was driving fast and crazy once we got into San Francisco in order to get to the storage place on time! You see two weeks before the move Jake graduated, but he didn't go to the ceremony. Because...

he officiated his cousins wedding the same day that he was supposed to be graduating! Of course we chose our cousin over the graduation ceremony! We were out of town for the wedding until June 18th and we hadn't packed a box yet at that point! Then the next Monday (one week before our moving day) Jakes younger brother Micah (14yrs old) flew down to help us move. He didn't really help us pack boxes because he didn't know what to do. But he was a big help when it was time to move all the boxes and furniture! So my last day of work was the Friday before our move out day which was June 30th. So over that weekend we just packed packed packed. And on Sunday we went to our church in Long Beach for the last time, and we went to a Dodgers baseball game! It was a fun afternoon but as soon as we got back we had to clean all the carpets and stuff. Then on Monday morning I had to leave from the apartment EARLY to take Jake to get the U-haul and then I had to go to court for a ticket that I had. And I got out of that late, so I had to rush home and help get the rest of the things into the car to leave. Then we were on our way! We have most of our things in storage. And then a few things are here at the Rothenbuhler house! Its not too bad of a squeeze yet because we are sleeping in their neighbors (who also go to our church here in San Francisco) spare bedroom. But in a week or so we are going to have to sleep on the girls bedroom floor on our matress from storage! Then it will get much more crowded! But its been pretty fun so far! We got here late on Monday night and then on Wednesday morning EARLY we left for a four day backpacking trip out in Mt. Shasta! Boy was that fun and hard at the same time. I have never been backpacking. And the pack was so heavy! So part of the way up it was so so tiring. But once we got there and got everything set up it was so beautiful and nice. I love camping with friends and things like that. The fellowship was very nice :) And tomorrow we are going to an A's baseball game! Wahoo. One downer is that I have impetigo right now, which is pretty much open sores on the inside of my nose that hurt really bad, and it spreads and such. I have a cream for it that helps it go away in just a couple of days, but I cannot find it. So we'll see how long it takes for it to go away this time. And until then I will miss my walks with my friend downstairs from the Rothenbuhlers. I FINALLY got my card blog updated with all of the cards that I have made so far! That made me happy. I took most of my cards outside and took photos of them out there because the lighting in the house was really bad. Well, its getting close to dinner time and I am really tired so I might go lay down until dinner is served in an hour or so! I love not having to work, I just don't like not having any money :P Well have a great day everyone and I'll be around again sometime soon!

he officiated his cousins wedding the same day that he was supposed to be graduating! Of course we chose our cousin over the graduation ceremony! We were out of town for the wedding until June 18th and we hadn't packed a box yet at that point! Then the next Monday (one week before our moving day) Jakes younger brother Micah (14yrs old) flew down to help us move. He didn't really help us pack boxes because he didn't know what to do. But he was a big help when it was time to move all the boxes and furniture! So my last day of work was the Friday before our move out day which was June 30th. So over that weekend we just packed packed packed. And on Sunday we went to our church in Long Beach for the last time, and we went to a Dodgers baseball game! It was a fun afternoon but as soon as we got back we had to clean all the carpets and stuff. Then on Monday morning I had to leave from the apartment EARLY to take Jake to get the U-haul and then I had to go to court for a ticket that I had. And I got out of that late, so I had to rush home and help get the rest of the things into the car to leave. Then we were on our way! We have most of our things in storage. And then a few things are here at the Rothenbuhler house! Its not too bad of a squeeze yet because we are sleeping in their neighbors (who also go to our church here in San Francisco) spare bedroom. But in a week or so we are going to have to sleep on the girls bedroom floor on our matress from storage! Then it will get much more crowded! But its been pretty fun so far! We got here late on Monday night and then on Wednesday morning EARLY we left for a four day backpacking trip out in Mt. Shasta! Boy was that fun and hard at the same time. I have never been backpacking. And the pack was so heavy! So part of the way up it was so so tiring. But once we got there and got everything set up it was so beautiful and nice. I love camping with friends and things like that. The fellowship was very nice :) And tomorrow we are going to an A's baseball game! Wahoo. One downer is that I have impetigo right now, which is pretty much open sores on the inside of my nose that hurt really bad, and it spreads and such. I have a cream for it that helps it go away in just a couple of days, but I cannot find it. So we'll see how long it takes for it to go away this time. And until then I will miss my walks with my friend downstairs from the Rothenbuhlers. I FINALLY got my card blog updated with all of the cards that I have made so far! That made me happy. I took most of my cards outside and took photos of them out there because the lighting in the house was really bad. Well, its getting close to dinner time and I am really tired so I might go lay down until dinner is served in an hour or so! I love not having to work, I just don't like not having any money :P Well have a great day everyone and I'll be around again sometime soon!