Poor guy! And I started my day by waking up alone in the neighbors room. Ok wait, that sounded wrong,... we are staying in the neighbors spare bedroom and since Jake was sick he woke up at 5am and went over to his families house, and I was still sleeping in the neighbors room. So when I woke up I was alone, in the neighbors bed. So yeah. I got up and made the bed and got dressed and went over to the families house. I started getting things taken care of for my community service that I have to do. But after I already made three phone calls and paid $20 to get my papers and community service transfered to San Francisco from Los Angeles I was informed that I would still have to come back to Los Angeles before September 29th (my due date for the amount that I owe) in order to turn in my certificate of completion for the community service. So after I talked to the manager about it some more and found out that I really couldn't just mail the papers there that I had to go in person. So I finished that phone call and got online to find the cheapest plane ticket. And then I was talking to Jake about it and realized that I would also have to rent a car. Then the lady from the Los Angeles community service called me and had my papers transfered to San Francisco (so far I have paid $20 for this) and she told me that at that office they are going to charge me an administrative fee. Which would be at least $30. Ontop of that because I had a snippy judge I had to pay $100 out of my total fine (he didn't want me to be able to pay off the whole thing with community service). So so far we are up to $150. And then to fly there and rent a car it was about $275! So now we are up to $425! And my fine is for $319. And that doesn't even include the gas I will need to get to and from community service and for the rental car in Los Angeles, and for the food that I would need while I was out taking care of all of that. So I called back the courthouse to ask them if once the judge has granted me community service if I can just pay the fine instead. Or if there would be some complications with that. Once I got to the part in the automative message where I could put in that I wanted to talk to on operator I was told that there were 79 other people on hold before me waiting for an operator!!! So I put the phone on speaker phone and make an early Christmas card! What fun that was :) Anyways so I FINALLY got to talk to someone and ask my one little question. And then I had to call back the community service office and ask if they could give me back my $20 since I am not going to go to the San Francisco community office to do the community service anyways. Thankfully the lady there was really nice and refunded me and called me back when it was all done and taken care of to let me know. So we have that all taken care now except for mailing in the check. And I don't know if I can still take traffic school. Because the judge set it up with my paper work so that I would get awarded traffic school if I finished my community service on time. Well now that I am not going to do the community service I don't know if I am going to be awarded the traffic school. ARGH!!! Oh well, I am just not going to worry too much about it. This is life, things like that happen. So we will see if after I send in my check they give me traffic school or not. If not, then oh well. I am pretty much done stressing about it. And while I was taking care of all of this all the ice in my iced mocha that I made this morning had melted and made my drink really watery! So I just dumped that and went outside and took a photo of the cute Christmas card that I made while on the phone so that I could post that on my craft blog over at http://craftsbyvanessarothenbuhler.blogspot.com/ ! Then I went to have some lunch and all the roast beef was gone, and all the chicken was gone! So I had to have a BLT without the tomotoes! But it was alright :) Then I updated my card blog and now this one. It appears that tonight I am taking all the kiddos over to the game since Jake has fallen ill today! So that will be an adventure for SURE!
I promised I'd come and read :)
haha, Vans you crack me up. I am glad to hear everything worked out and it's a bummer everything costs so much... but it makes me smile to see you have a good attitude about it.
Take care of Jake well.
There is a MUCH easier way for taking care of a traffic/speeding tickets. Once you have the fine amount from the court, go online to wwww.gototrafficschool.com. Enter your ticket number, court date and location and personal info, complete the quizzes and then take the final exam, ALL online! You only have to pay the 30$ fee or whatever it is for taking it online and of course your ticket amount to the courts, but that's it! gototrafficschool sends your certificate of completion directly to the court and you get a copy in the mail. It's SUPER easy and takes the hassle out of dealing with cranky judges. I've had my fair share of tickets and unfortunately am all too familiar with knowing how to take care of them. :P
I guess it’s too late now, but at least you know for later!
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