Hola, I have been so lazy with this blog. I am so sorry to all of my readers! I have been not feeling well off and on for a while now. But I think I am getting better now. I have stopped trying to figure out ways to still have some dairy. Now that I have been off it for a while it just becomes more and more apparent that I cannot have it without getting sick. So goodbye dairy, hello good health! Mmmmm I have recently been guzzling down green tea. So very yummy in the morning! It just makes my morning 'bounce'. LOL, I know that seems silly. But first of all I am a MORNING person. I LOVE walking out into the fresh air bright and early and get going at my day. But then I relax in the evenings. This morning I woke up, got dressed, ironed Jakes work shirt (didn't make him a lunch because we planned on eating with his coworkers today), made myself some iced green tea at home, and then went out into the fresh air and felt so energized! I think everyone should drink Zen green tea in the morning, lol! But seriously, if you like Starbucks tea, you should just buy a box of tea from them and make it at home because its WAY WAY cheaper that way! I can make myself more than 20 cups of tea at home for the cost of 2-3 cups from Starbucks! WHOAAAAA. So yeah I finally got my butt in (sounds likt button, lol) gear and bought the Zen tea and Classic syrup and now I just make it at home. And guess what? It tastes just the same, and better yet, if its too strong or weak or not sweet enough, I can just fix it myself now. So yeah I am happy about that. I also sometimes make vanilla iced coffees at home too. I have been on such a rollercoaster lately. Its not even funny. Happy, tired, anxious, restless, lethargic, worried, annoyed, upset, silly, hyper, creative, stuck.... blah. I finally found a great scrapbooking store here in this area! Well... not really. I have to go to work with Jake if I want to shop there, because its in Berkeley. But its a really cool one. Its called Scrapbook Territory. And they have the store all organized and sorted by colors and themes. Its pretty neat. Plus they have SALE bins, 5 sheets of paper for $1!!! You bet I made out with a stack of sheets! And they are CUTE ones, not some lame ones like most of the ones on sale at Michaels that I usually go to. Now that I know where a scrapbook store is I will probably venture there more instead of Michaels. I really want a watermelon Jolly Rancher right now! Garrrrr. Oh well. I don't really want to buy a whole bag just to get that ONE WATERMELON jolly rancher. But if anyone had an extra one, I would take it, for sure! My scrapbook is coming along nicely. I need to buy some more page protectors. And I want to scrapbook some more photos of me when I was a baby and a little kid. But my parents have them boxed up in storage, so I can't yet. I don't really know when I will be able to actually. Because apparently there is a TON of their things in storage and who knows where the photos are... Over the past few days I have been on the search for a pretty scarf like the one that my best friend Heaven wears. Anything like it. I think that style is so cute. But I have never owned any scarves, so I don't want people to think that I look weird. So I have a hard time picking one out. Plus I don't want to spend that much on it either! I found one today that I LOVED but it was $40, umm I'm pretty sure Jake wouldn't like it if I spent $40 on a scarf! OHHH and by the way, incase you don't know, I GOT BANGS! Here is a photo of what I look like now...

So what do you think? They will stay for a little while, haven't decided if I am going to keep them any longer than it takes for them to grow out. I guess we'll just wait and see. Jake really likes them, so I might keep them at least for a year or so. I really really really want to visit with some of my friends and go to a flea market or thrift store shopping! I have never done either and I think it would be so much fun :) oh my goodness, I wanted to laugh so hard (oh wait, I did) a few minutes ago. When I was parking my car I looked over at the guy in a car three cars over and he was just sitting in his car drinking a gallon of Sunny D. It was so funny looking. Of course it reminded me of Juno. I love that movie :) Speaking of movies, I have really really been wanting to rent some movies and watch them. But it seems like something comes up every single night! Like last night, we had to leave the house with Jakes little sisters because the cops came over to talk to Jakes dad and his other two sons. WONDERFUL. Yeah, I really want to go into how that was and how it made me feel, but the thing is, I don't want to gossip about them on my blog. So we will just say that I was really mad and it just made me very aggravated. Especially because we had to do a "favor" for Jakes dad and that meant that we had to leave for a while, well the whole time the cops were there, and that was annoying to me. Ach, ok I will not talk about it anymore. But lets just say that there have been several things that have been stressing me out lately. AND I NEED TO BUY STAMPS, but they are so expensive now days! The child that Jake and I had been sponsoring for over 2 years moved so we got a new child to sponsor! His name is Si Thuat Ho. He is 5. Here is a photo of him

His mom and dad are farmers. He has 1 brother and 2 sisters. He lives in Vietnam, 149 miles from Hanoi. And I guess he is not even in school yet. So it says that he likes to play hide and seek and he likes to help out around the house. I am happy that he is so young because the probably means that we will get to sponsor him for several years. It made me so sad when I lost Suresh. So hopefully we will get to keep Si for a little longer. I am going to email him a letter today (World Vision prints out a copy of the letter and mails it to his village). Ohhh and the other day I painted my nails like a french manicure but with sparkles..

How do you like it? I really like the way it looks, but it feels kind of thick. So I think I will put some glitter in the polish instead of pouring it onto the polish after its on my nails.
Ok well, I have made this entry pretty long, so I'll sign out for today. I will try to write again sometime soon! Maybe tomorrow, but no promises, I still don't know what I'm doing tomorrow :)
~KISS KISS~ Vanessa
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