But it's also deceiving.
Holding onto hope can give you something to look forward to.
It can comfort you.
It can help your thoughts to be positive.
It can set you up for great disappointment.
It can make you blind to the truth.
Hope can take you further into a mess then you ever thought you would go.
Hope can take you through the worst of times.
Hope can renew your outlook.
Hope can make you stubborn.
It can turn a dark room into an open field of flowers.
It sometimes breaks my heart the hope that I see in people.
Because I know its not going to end the way they want it to.
Sometimes a tear and a hard acceptance is better then a white lie and false hope.
Hope is still a wonderful feeling.

It's hard to let go of hope sometimes when it is so comforting. And it always exists, in some form or another. Therefore why let go of it? But I understand that there is a time and place for letting go as well.
P.S. You should blog about LA :)
ugh I know! I need to blog about LA... I sent myself (in email) the photos that I want to use, so I just need to do it! Maybe I'll do it now....
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