The same day I made my first scrapbook page of my little brother David was the same day he got out of jail and moved back home with my parents. Bittersweet. Bitter because I don't like who he has been for the past several years. I don't like how he seems to say whatever you want to hear and not really mean it. Sweet because my parents seem to really believe he has had a change of heart and that he is going to get his life back together again. I hope he can come back to being the person I remember him as when I lived at home.

On another note, the England vs. USA soccer game just started. We (Jake and I, and soon our cousin Roberto) are watching it. I think England will win.
So he is back home now? I really hope things will turn out better this time.
I guess he is. I don't really talk to my parents about him all too much. I just ask Tiana about it. Her and I see more eye to eye about him. But she is not home too often. I really hope that it works out this time too :)
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