Friday, August 27, 2010
picture envy
I have to admit it. I get picture envy all the time. In fact I probably love looking at photos so much because it makes me want the things I see in them more. I want to be stylish, I want to travel, I want to relax, I want to laugh, and so on. Seeing other people, or myself doing these things in photos makes me happy, but it also makes me long for those things again. I was wondering, what is one of your favorite photos that makes you get "photo envy"? It can be a photo of you, or someone else, or of an object or activity. Here is the photo that sparked this idea for me today...

little smiles
Something that makes me smile in the morning is driving in nice weather with the windows down, my sunglasses on, and the radio playing a sweet quirky song :) And the absence of my daily headache/migraine is the ultimate bonus! Of course there are several other things that makes this moment even more enjoyable. Such as, not being in a hurry for fear of being late. I can just sit back and drive casually and feel the sun on my skin and feel like I'm the only one on the freeway enjoying the lingering drive of 2 miles that take 30mins :) Having the time to eat a small breakfast, all too often I don't have the time or just plain forget, causing my tummy to start talking to me on my drive. Taking the time that morning to feel good about what I am wearing and how I look. Today was one of those days. I am wearing a fun hat with my hair down, which cooperated today and looks perfectly tousled, a simple black T-shirt and jeans with my favorite ballet-flats. I feel like I can relax in this outfit and look good doing so ;) Well I would love to go on and on, about the things that make my smile in the morning time on my way to school, but... I have to go to class now! What makes your morning better?
Friday, August 20, 2010
I used to be good
I was bad at blogging for a long time, then I was good for a little amount of time, and now it seems that I am on the path of being bad again :( Sorry guys! I am lacking time and inspiration lately for this little blog. I have been thoroughly enjoying reading other people's blogs when I have a break in hw. But never enough time or energy to make a new wonderful post of my own. Anyways, so that I am not leaving you with nothing other than excuses I will share with you the conversation that my husband and I had a few nights ago in hopes of making you smile!
To set up the scenery in your mind first... we were supposed to be going to sleep in bed. I was starting to fall asleep when all the sudden I hear Jake ask me a question...
"Are Narwhals REAL?!?"
I couldn't help but laugh! And I replied "I'm not sure, but I think so... we could look it up tomorrow on google or something..."
"Lets settle this once and for all! Wiki!"
so he gets on his iPhone and he looks it up, and sure enough, they are REAL! He then went onto Google Imgages and found this one to show me

And then we had an hour long conversation (mostly humorous) about Narwhals...
..."...dude, people swim with them! What if he spears you?!..."
It was a nice way to end the tough day I had. Usually I am the one coming up with randomn weird things to ask/talk to Jake about when we are supposed to be falling asleep.
I hope to have many more nights like that! :P
To set up the scenery in your mind first... we were supposed to be going to sleep in bed. I was starting to fall asleep when all the sudden I hear Jake ask me a question...
"Are Narwhals REAL?!?"
I couldn't help but laugh! And I replied "I'm not sure, but I think so... we could look it up tomorrow on google or something..."
"Lets settle this once and for all! Wiki!"
so he gets on his iPhone and he looks it up, and sure enough, they are REAL! He then went onto Google Imgages and found this one to show me

And then we had an hour long conversation (mostly humorous) about Narwhals...
..."...dude, people swim with them! What if he spears you?!..."
It was a nice way to end the tough day I had. Usually I am the one coming up with randomn weird things to ask/talk to Jake about when we are supposed to be falling asleep.
I hope to have many more nights like that! :P
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I have to admit that this past vacation was so nice that I am already eagerly trying to find some time off from school and work to make another trip out there again this year :) Let me tell you a few things that transpired during this trip...
I reread the entire novel Breaking Dawn. And if you have ever held that book you know that it's huge and it would be quite an achievement to read the whole thing while on vacation ;P
I ate some amazing clam chowder, twice.
I tried and retried and retried The Dutch Brothers Coffee Shop almost every day of the trip *blush*, it was delicious. I had their iced mac mocha every single time. Jake however went down the menu one drink each visit and tried almost all of their lattes.
I swam in a lake with a current that took us floating downstream when the sun wasn't out and tried to not act like a baby about how cold it was and how sharp all those rocks hitting my butt while flying downstream :( It was a great time, don't get me wrong! I can't wait to do it again next year, just perhaps with some rivershoes and some shorts!
While visiting the port of Brookings, OR, there was a little shopping center that had a contest/hunt going on. There was a little toy boat named "Chetty" and he was hanging out in one of the shops (all of the shops participated and took turns hosting Chetty (in plain sight, little kids can play!) and had signs on their doors reminding you to look for him) and if you found him you got a prize from the store he was hanging out in. Well guess who found him?! That's right, me :) Chetty happened to be hanging out in their local hair salon, so I got some leave-in hair conditioner! I have yet to try it... I am afraid I won't like it like I like the new leave-in conditioner that Lush just came out with!!!! (btw, Shelly, Heaven! If you haven't gone in and gotten samples of the new products do so!)
I got to meet 3 more cousins, Nick, Mariah, and Chris!
I played a little golf with Jake and Micah.
I had more benadryl in a 6 day period than I have in probably a month before ;P
I went shooting with the fam bam.
I went to their county fair and rode two rides despite my hate for traveling fair rides... they just don't seem safe enough! And I looked at over 25 different kinds of Fuchsias! And didn't buy a single thing!
I attended my first Rodeo! It was awesome! We had to leave before it was over, and man did I want to stay and see more! It was so exciting :)
Jake and I walked through a Redwood Forest. Man alive its beautiful in those! I think it is impossible to enjoy nature's beauty TOO much, but we sure got close :D I couldn't capture it in the photos that I took and I really want to go again! It would be neat to camp out there.
The one and only souvenir I bought was a Redwood necklace at a little gift shop on the way home. The gift shop was called "The Legend Of Bigfoot!" I will include a photo of their business card, it's great.
We drove up on Monday and came home the next Sunday. We first went to see Grandma Sigi in Brookings, OR. We stayed there until Thursday, at which time we drove back into CA, Crescent City to be exact to stay with Grandpa Rich, who had a prime rib dinner feast waiting for us! This dinner is one of the big events on this yearly trip :P. Here are a few photos of this trip! Enjoy :)

I reread the entire novel Breaking Dawn. And if you have ever held that book you know that it's huge and it would be quite an achievement to read the whole thing while on vacation ;P
I ate some amazing clam chowder, twice.
I tried and retried and retried The Dutch Brothers Coffee Shop almost every day of the trip *blush*, it was delicious. I had their iced mac mocha every single time. Jake however went down the menu one drink each visit and tried almost all of their lattes.
I swam in a lake with a current that took us floating downstream when the sun wasn't out and tried to not act like a baby about how cold it was and how sharp all those rocks hitting my butt while flying downstream :( It was a great time, don't get me wrong! I can't wait to do it again next year, just perhaps with some rivershoes and some shorts!
While visiting the port of Brookings, OR, there was a little shopping center that had a contest/hunt going on. There was a little toy boat named "Chetty" and he was hanging out in one of the shops (all of the shops participated and took turns hosting Chetty (in plain sight, little kids can play!) and had signs on their doors reminding you to look for him) and if you found him you got a prize from the store he was hanging out in. Well guess who found him?! That's right, me :) Chetty happened to be hanging out in their local hair salon, so I got some leave-in hair conditioner! I have yet to try it... I am afraid I won't like it like I like the new leave-in conditioner that Lush just came out with!!!! (btw, Shelly, Heaven! If you haven't gone in and gotten samples of the new products do so!)
I got to meet 3 more cousins, Nick, Mariah, and Chris!
I played a little golf with Jake and Micah.
I had more benadryl in a 6 day period than I have in probably a month before ;P
I went shooting with the fam bam.
I went to their county fair and rode two rides despite my hate for traveling fair rides... they just don't seem safe enough! And I looked at over 25 different kinds of Fuchsias! And didn't buy a single thing!
I attended my first Rodeo! It was awesome! We had to leave before it was over, and man did I want to stay and see more! It was so exciting :)
Jake and I walked through a Redwood Forest. Man alive its beautiful in those! I think it is impossible to enjoy nature's beauty TOO much, but we sure got close :D I couldn't capture it in the photos that I took and I really want to go again! It would be neat to camp out there.
The one and only souvenir I bought was a Redwood necklace at a little gift shop on the way home. The gift shop was called "The Legend Of Bigfoot!" I will include a photo of their business card, it's great.
We drove up on Monday and came home the next Sunday. We first went to see Grandma Sigi in Brookings, OR. We stayed there until Thursday, at which time we drove back into CA, Crescent City to be exact to stay with Grandpa Rich, who had a prime rib dinner feast waiting for us! This dinner is one of the big events on this yearly trip :P. Here are a few photos of this trip! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
a list I want right now
make a scrapbook using newspaper as all the page backgrounds. Perhaps covering them with a clear gloss first so that my hands don't get ink all over them while looking through it.
make a painting finger paint style. At the moment I want to paint pink posies with yellow centers, with a black and white and blue and purple-ish pink background. Side note, perhaps I should make a sketch of this today while its fresh in my mind...
make a birthday wish list and email it out to relatives for party next month...
seriously get my act back together as far as hair, make-up, and clothing are concerned. No more excuses!
clean my room.
get more fish tank water, and clean tank asap.
think of something for anniversary <3
get more piercings.
spend more time in the sun in beautiful places. Such as hiking on the weekends, or driving out to the beach and taking a nap...
keep changing!
make a painting finger paint style. At the moment I want to paint pink posies with yellow centers, with a black and white and blue and purple-ish pink background. Side note, perhaps I should make a sketch of this today while its fresh in my mind...
make a birthday wish list and email it out to relatives for party next month...
seriously get my act back together as far as hair, make-up, and clothing are concerned. No more excuses!
clean my room.
get more fish tank water, and clean tank asap.
think of something for anniversary <3
get more piercings.
spend more time in the sun in beautiful places. Such as hiking on the weekends, or driving out to the beach and taking a nap...
keep changing!
Monday, August 9, 2010
thinking thoughts
I will post a full vacation blog hopefully tomorrow, because today I am not home and there is at least one more thing I want to take a photo of to include in my post. However, I thought I would just post a little something today since I am sitting in Peet's waiting for my phone to charge :) We got home from the long drive late last night at 11pm. I suppose thats not too bad, except that Jake had to get up in the morning for work and I had decided to tag along with him since he has a softball game tonight. So far this Summer I haven't been able to go to a single one of his games and I am starting back up with school again on Friday morning. So I took my chance today and ended up in Berkeley for the whole day! I found out on the drive out here that his game isn't until 9:10pm tonight! So it really will be a whole day in Berkeley! I started it out with a chai, wonderful decision! I have been drinking coffee or "mac mochas" all week (which has been GREAT), so I kind of missed these sweet chais :) Plus I just love the way that Peet's makes them, topped with milk foam and all :) I have yet to make an equivalent one at home :/ After receiving my chai and finding a table with an outlet nearby I set up the laptop and uploaded my vacation photos. I found that there were lots of times that I was having such a great time vacationing that I didn't take photos! So many things I wish I had a snapshot of at least! Oh well. Let me just say that all in all this vacation was amazingly better than I anticipated! I was happy to be in my room last night, but sad the trip was over. Plus I lost my pillow, my lovely, wonderful, perfect size and shape, pillow :( I suppose I will get it back in a year, but seriously. Until then I am on a hunt for a new one that is just like it! Last night I slept with the spare pillow we have up in our linens closet, but it was uncomfortable. I think I will spend a better part of the rest of this morning and afternoon reading a new book I have been meaning to get to :) I'm sorry if this blog had been sporadic, I feel so easily distracted right now in this coffee shop. My desire to people watch and eavesdrop keeps making me lose my place ;P Have a wonderful day friends, I will be back tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
updates and updates :)
Ok so to answer the number riddle that I posted a while ago I might ramble a bit. I have a hard time explaining the best way to understand the pattern. How I described it was to tell someone how many of each number there is in each term and what the numbers are, and what you say is what the next term is. Such as, if the first term is 1, you would describe it as "there is one one" so the second term is 11, one one, then you describe the second term as two ones, so the third term would be written as 21, two one, and so on... So here are the first terms that I gave you all...
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211,
and the next three terms are...
13112221, 1113213211, 31131211131221
I hope you understand how you find the next terms from my description :)
Moving on, I took my final and I suppose that I did well because I finished with an A in the course! Wahoo! I am so glad I got through that class with a great grade :) And now I am set up to continue onto Calculus in the Fall! Less than 2 weeks away! I cannot believe that I only have a 2 week break from Summer school into the Fall semester. Oh well, I guess that's just how it goes. If I really wanted a long Summer break I should've not taken a Summer class. All in all I am glad that I took the course and am done with it.
And now, what I am up to right now :) I am on vacation with my family (Jake's side) in Brookings, OR. This trip has been so up and down everyday! I will post a blog later about the whole vaca :)
sorry this is being posted late, I thought I posted it, but I just saved it...
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211,
and the next three terms are...
13112221, 1113213211, 31131211131221
I hope you understand how you find the next terms from my description :)
Moving on, I took my final and I suppose that I did well because I finished with an A in the course! Wahoo! I am so glad I got through that class with a great grade :) And now I am set up to continue onto Calculus in the Fall! Less than 2 weeks away! I cannot believe that I only have a 2 week break from Summer school into the Fall semester. Oh well, I guess that's just how it goes. If I really wanted a long Summer break I should've not taken a Summer class. All in all I am glad that I took the course and am done with it.
And now, what I am up to right now :) I am on vacation with my family (Jake's side) in Brookings, OR. This trip has been so up and down everyday! I will post a blog later about the whole vaca :)
sorry this is being posted late, I thought I posted it, but I just saved it...