I reread the entire novel Breaking Dawn. And if you have ever held that book you know that it's huge and it would be quite an achievement to read the whole thing while on vacation ;P
I ate some amazing clam chowder, twice.
I tried and retried and retried The Dutch Brothers Coffee Shop almost every day of the trip *blush*, it was delicious. I had their iced mac mocha every single time. Jake however went down the menu one drink each visit and tried almost all of their lattes.
I swam in a lake with a current that took us floating downstream when the sun wasn't out and tried to not act like a baby about how cold it was and how sharp all those rocks hitting my butt while flying downstream :( It was a great time, don't get me wrong! I can't wait to do it again next year, just perhaps with some rivershoes and some shorts!
While visiting the port of Brookings, OR, there was a little shopping center that had a contest/hunt going on. There was a little toy boat named "Chetty" and he was hanging out in one of the shops (all of the shops participated and took turns hosting Chetty (in plain sight, little kids can play!) and had signs on their doors reminding you to look for him) and if you found him you got a prize from the store he was hanging out in. Well guess who found him?! That's right, me :) Chetty happened to be hanging out in their local hair salon, so I got some leave-in hair conditioner! I have yet to try it... I am afraid I won't like it like I like the new leave-in conditioner that Lush just came out with!!!! (btw, Shelly, Heaven! If you haven't gone in and gotten samples of the new products do so!)
I got to meet 3 more cousins, Nick, Mariah, and Chris!
I played a little golf with Jake and Micah.
I had more benadryl in a 6 day period than I have in probably a month before ;P
I went shooting with the fam bam.
I went to their county fair and rode two rides despite my hate for traveling fair rides... they just don't seem safe enough! And I looked at over 25 different kinds of Fuchsias! And didn't buy a single thing!
I attended my first Rodeo! It was awesome! We had to leave before it was over, and man did I want to stay and see more! It was so exciting :)
Jake and I walked through a Redwood Forest. Man alive its beautiful in those! I think it is impossible to enjoy nature's beauty TOO much, but we sure got close :D I couldn't capture it in the photos that I took and I really want to go again! It would be neat to camp out there.
The one and only souvenir I bought was a Redwood necklace at a little gift shop on the way home. The gift shop was called "The Legend Of Bigfoot!" I will include a photo of their business card, it's great.
We drove up on Monday and came home the next Sunday. We first went to see Grandma Sigi in Brookings, OR. We stayed there until Thursday, at which time we drove back into CA, Crescent City to be exact to stay with Grandpa Rich, who had a prime rib dinner feast waiting for us! This dinner is one of the big events on this yearly trip :P. Here are a few photos of this trip! Enjoy :)

1 comment:
You earn 15 life points (or more) for attending a rodeo! I feel like it's an American tradition that few partake in.
P.S. Your new necklace is lovely.
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