Saturday, September 4, 2010


I was just talking to Jake last night about how sometimes I wonder WHY I am going back to school. I don't think I would feel this way if I had gone to college right out of high school and got married in the middle of college or afterwards. But because I was married for 3yrs before going back and my priorities in life had already shifted I feel somewhat lost about this whole thing, sometimes. I guess the key word for me to remember is "sometimes". Because as I was thinking to myself last night about how hard this is, and how tired I am, and how I am not getting the time to do things that I want to do, and how everything I think about and talk about for the most part is school, I remembered how amazing it is to get an education, to learn all the things I am learning and have already learned. I remembered how excited I get no when someone is talking about something and I actually know what they are talking about and give my opinion on it, or help them solve a problem and what not. I am happy that I have gone back to school. I will be happy in a few years when I graduate. I may have taken the longer road to getting there and going back, but I'm there now. And I know its a good thing. I need to focus on that, and not the "sometimes" :)


Shelly said...

Being in school is tough, both on you and the marriage. There were plenty of times where I wanted to take a semester off or tone down my work load.
My mom and Ted would encourage me to keep on the path AND to try to enjoy the journey. I hope things get better for you!

Heaven said...

Ahh...I can see how tough that would be. It's tough enough for me, who didn't take a break from school and return later, like you did. But it is so important that you sieze this privelege and make the most of it, this is the best time to do so! And, this will make such an impact on your kids. Whether you homeschool them or they go to traditional school, or both, they'll have the benefits of an educated mom who has "been there". That is so helpful :)

Vanessa said...

thanks so much ladies, your words were really encouraging to me :)