Today... I love Mondays because I just got a two day break and then I get Tuesdays off. So I don’t really get the Mondays blues :) Today work went well. Jack was not home yet. So it was just Peggy and I. I wanted to make us some chicken devan for lunch, but their chicken was bad. So then I went to make us some spaghetti instead. But Steven got home with Sarah and asked me to drive some clothes over to the hospital for Jack because they were going to let him out tonight. Then when I got back I cleaned up from Steven, Sarah, and Peggy’s dinner. And since Steven was not going back to work for the rest of the day I asked if I could go home an hour early. He said sure no problem. So Jake and I went to the fish store again today. We wanted to get a new anemone for Bernie. He keeps swiming over to the rock that our first anemone came on, I think he is looking for Nennie. So at the store we were looking at some corals too. There was this one rock that we really liked. It has three different colors of corals on it. Plus its pretty big. We decided to get it! It was $54... but its really nice, and it will grow and they will spread to the other rocks. I will take a photo tomorrow of ours. As for the anemone... well anemones are not very hardy. So its hard to keep them, even if there is NOTHING wrong with your tank or water. So we decided to go with something more expensive, because sometimes its more money to get something stronger. We ended up getting some ’frogspawn’ (the lights are out right now, I will take some photos tomorrow!). It took me over 45 min to get it arranged in the tank. There is still one part of it not directly in the light, we are hoping that it doesn’t die off... We’ll see. Well its really late for me, I should be getting some sleep!
P.S. we went to costco tonight (grocery shopping is one of my favorite things to do) and we got a lot of yummy things *cheese*
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
chicken feathers on the highway
well I feel like I am on a swing, one minute I am happy and one minute I am so frustrated! Its annoying. Anyways, lets start with the happy. So I went to the concert I have been telling everyone about yesterday!!! It was so much fun. I was sorely disappointed with Metro Stations
performance... they just seemed like they just came out of a comercial bought class of "how to be a rad rock star! Step 1. wear rad clothes to concert, like just a vest for a shirt! 2. say F*&% at least 4 times inbetween each song you play! 3. act like you are the best band ever, even if no one really knows who you are!" and so on. They are younger than I am, and it showed. I like the sound of their c.d. but I didn't even want to stay for their whole performance live. MxPx
was GREAT. I love listening to their songs. And it was the first time I ever got to see them play live! Plus Jake bought me their new cd, and a sweatshirt :) THEN I got to meet them!!!! *smiles* At first I thought "well I don't really care if I meet them or not today" but getting to meet them was really cool. I have been a fan of their music for 7 years! They were the first band I ever listened to. Up until then I wasn't really interested in listening to c.d.s. So they signed two posters and a c.d. cover for me. After they played we didn't really know any of the others bands. So we walked around and collected free stuff. And then we went to some of the other stages and heard some other bands play. My favorite performance all day had to have been Foxy Shazam
. We have never heard of them before. We were sitting down at a table next to an empty stage eating our nachos and then they came on to perform. They were so entertaining and funny. We bought their c.d. and got it signed and some posters too. After that we were going to wait for Goldfinger (I don't remember if I like them or not) and then My Chemical Romance (just for my little sister) But I was really tired and I started to feel sick. So we decided to leave. We spent SO much money yesterday, I was surprised. But it was a fun day all in all. After eating dinner I went to bed because I was so tired. I woke up this morning at 5am though and couldn't get back to sleep, lame! So I am still so tired. Hopefully I will feel better as the day goes on. Thankfully I get Tuesdays off. So I will be able to get some more rest then. Today Jack is supposed to come home from the hospital, unless he came home last night. So I hope he is feeling better. I am going to buy an alarm clock to put in the kitchen to go off every morning reminding him to take his medication. Because I don't want him to have anymore heart attacks on account of that. I am still sorting out the thread for my new cross stitching project! Its going to be so big. I really hope it turns out nice :) Well I have to go wash my hair before work... So I guess we never really got to the "frustrated" mood.... I guess next time!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
lemon juice on paper cuts
I've had a pretty busy week... Sarah the little girl I watch after she gets out of school was home Mon and Wed from a cough. So I had to entertain her while getting my work done around the house too. Thursday we went to the fish store to get some new live rock and a test kit for our tank water. And we were going to take back USA, but we forgot him at home in the tank. I rearranged the rock in the tank and I think that Bernie likes it the way it is right now more than before because he swims all around the whole tank, where as before he would just hover in mostly one spot. Plus it looks way cooler the way it is set up right now :) And we went out for some Sushi at a place that Jack (the guy I work for / keep an eye on) suggested that I take Jake to. It was a really good meal. And I put together a cool art project while watching t.v. Then yesterday when I got to work Jack was not feeling well. So he didn't want to go out for coffee like we do every morning. But he asked if I could run to the store to get some cough drops and then get him a cup of coffee. When I got back to the house he was in bed trying to take a nap. So I left him to be and did my work around the house. After I got Sarah from school at 1pm we came home and decided we were going to tackle her room. It was a huge pig sty!!! It took us over three hours to get to a stopping point. Notice that I didn't say to "finish" because its still not quite done. But we made it look a TON better. Then as we were cleaning Steven and John (two of the sons of Jack) came home on breaks and decided to take Jack to the hospital. He was getting worse I guess and couldn't walk. Turns out they had not given him his medication for several days and he had a water build up in his chest which caused his cough and eventually his small heart attack that the doctor discovered he had. Thankfully they said it caused no damage. Jake and I went to go visit him this morning. He said he felt a lot better. He looked better than he did yesterday. But he still looked weak. We brought him some coffee too, because he loves his coffee in the morning. Then we went out for breakfast, and then Jake took me to Michaels the craft store and I got a new cross stitching project. After that we came home and then after an hour took a walk down to the back to deposit my check and get some quarters for laundry. And I got to make a stop at McDonalds for an iced coffee. I always get vanilla, but today after I ordered I tried a sample of the hazelnut, and I think I like it better! I was so surprised because I hate Starbucks hazelnut iced coffee. Then when we got home we decided to do a test on our water. The levels were not good, so we went back to the fish store to get some more live rock, and I wanted to get some new little hermits to replace the ones that USA killed. ALSO, my diamond goby died... I forgot to tell you about it. Well when we were there on Thurs I asked a guy there if I should be worried because he wasn't coming out from under the rock. He said as long as I could see him, to give him a couple of days to warm up to the tank. But that if I wanted to I could lift up the rock and make sure he was still alive. I saw him on Tuesday for sure, but I had not seen him on Wed. So I figured I would lift up the rock to check on him, plus I had to rearrange the live rock in order to fit in the new one. Well when I lifted it and there was about 1/3 of the goby left under there. So that was sad. I JUST bought him! And he was about $25 with tax. Anyways, so at the fish store today I talked to one of the guys about it and he said he will replace it for me. But he said that he doesn't think that the goby will be happy in such a small tank. So decided not to get it. But he said he will still owe us a new fish. But then I was still wanting something to clean our sand and he suggested a Nassarius Sand Snail. They bury themselves completely under the sand and clean it, and sift it so that the sand gets moved around and the debris can get sucked into the filter system. So we got two of those, the four or five hermits (he gave me extras!) and the thing for the water levels to get better all for free since my goby died!! That was pretty sweet. And now we are watching the UCLA game :) I really hope they win, but right now we are down three points. Jake just called me into the room to look at something in the aquarium, and guess what I caught USA doing?!?! He was trying to pull one of the new little hermits our of his shell! He's just a little guy, so USA can't need his shell! USA is just being hostile. I think he wants to be the only crab around. We are going to have to take him back to the store after the game tonight. It makes me sad, but I don't want to keep him around just to kill all the other new ones! Well thats not really all that has happened these past few days, but I am going to watch the game with Jake now!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
paper creases
Jake got to a break in his work on his computer right as I started to write out what I wanted to talk to him about. And he wanted to take me to the mall and buy us our new converse shoes. As we were walking out the door, and the issue that I wanted to talk to him about later that night was still heavy on my mind and heart, he leaned over and asked me if I was ok. So I told him "yeah, there's just something I want to talk to you about tonight". And of course as soon as I have said that I realize that I'll need to sit down and talk to him about it right then and there, otherwise the rest of the day will be like a raining black cloud following us. So we went back into the house and sat down on the bed to talk. What I had to say is something that I have held in for about 2 years, so it was important to me. And I was scared how he was going to react. He amazes me all the time. He took it MUCH better than I thought and we had a great talk about it. I don't feel like saying what it was. But I just wanted to let you all know that it went well and we both feel better about it now! So then we went to the mall like we wanted to and got our new matching Converse shoes!!! I am so happy, I have wanted some new ones for a while. Then we went to dinner and got some dessert :) Now we are back home and he is back at work on his computer and I am sitting up posting new photos and writing more blogs... as if that is necessary! Here is a photo of me that I took yesterday...

Kiss Kiss :)

Kiss Kiss :)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
a window in the ocean
I have Tuesdays off from work. I normally go to school with Jake, so that we can spend more time together. However... today I ended up spending more time alone! I had to drop him off for his first class and park WAY far away. Then when I finally got to his classroom (for his first class) there were NO seats :( So I just went to the coffee shop and finished writing some letters to my friends that I am working on while listening to my iPod. Then Jake had a one hour break after that two hour class and we spent that time together going for a walk and buying his new books for this quarter. Then he had another class, but he didn't think I should sit in on this one. So I went back to the coffee shop for another hour. Plus he was supposed to meet with the guy that he does research for, so that took more time. But I was with him for part of that time. We went to Chipotle for lunch, I am still full! Once we came home I took a nap because I was falling asleep in the car on the way home. Turns out I slept like a baby for over two hours! I just woke up. I love naps, but I usually cannot fall asleep. If Jake finishes his work soon we are going to go to the mall and buy some new converse for the both of us. I am so excited :) Only four more days until the day of a million concerts!!! Well not really a million... more like 55+ bands! I am so so excited. I didn't take USA back to the store today because we have to go back there on Thursday anyways, so Jake wants me to return him then. He better not kill Hercules before then! Jake doesn't know it, but there is something that I want to talk to him about. I think I will bring it up tonight... I am nervous about that... I am trying to decide if I should just tell him, forget about it, or write him a letter and then talk about it... we'll see I guess...
bruised rose petals
So it seems that there is an ongoing number of issues in my life. Not that I mind it, sometimes its just so wonderful to give advice and help my friends and loved ones. But at other times it really makes me sad. There is so much that I want to change, and to help. But there are times that I feel that I just have to bow out and let them take their own course. There a serveral friends in my life right now that are going through relationship issues or "growing" moments. And I want to make it all better, but I realize its all in God's hands not mine or theirs. Anyways, sorry that was such a downer moment...I had a malted vanilla milkshake last night and tonight. Ohhhh goodness! I love those. I don't really ever crave sweets, which is good because if I did I would weigh 50lbs more than I do now! But those malt shakes get me everytime. I completely finish them everytime I get them. The other thing that I have a sweet tooth for is vanilla iced coffee. I can go without them, but why would I??? The only thing that I don't like is that I can't get them decaf! Argh! So if I get them often I get addicted to the caffine, and that is so annoying because it affects my sleep schedule.Well if you are a frequent reader of my other blogs you know by now that I have a salt water aquarium, that I am completely in love with. You would also know that I have three remaining hermit crabs, or I should say... I HAD. I was so upset tonight getting home to find that USA had killed Dare Devil! I cried... I am taking him back to the store tomorrow! I am going to get a new scarlet hermit crab to replace the two that USA killed. My silly tank is so dramatic! However, my silly goby is still just hiding under the rock! Poor Bernie has been freaking out a lot more since the anemone died :( It makes me sad. I think he feels less protected since Nennie left him...I had so much thatI wanted to blog about... but then Jake gave me a beer... and I haven't had one in a LONG time... so it hit me more than usual... and blogging is harder after a beer... now I'm just tired! So I have to go to bed now :(