well I feel like I am on a swing, one minute I am happy and one minute I am so frustrated! Its annoying. Anyways, lets start with the happy. So I went to the concert I have been telling everyone about yesterday!!! It was so much fun. I was sorely disappointed with Metro Stations

performance... they just seemed like they just came out of a comercial bought class of "how to be a rad rock star! Step 1. wear rad clothes to concert, like just a vest for a shirt! 2. say F*&% at least 4 times inbetween each song you play! 3. act like you are the best band ever, even if no one really knows who you are!" and so on. They are younger than I am, and it showed. I like the sound of their c.d. but I didn't even want to stay for their whole performance live. MxPx

was GREAT. I love listening to their songs. And it was the first time I ever got to see them play live! Plus Jake bought me their new cd, and a sweatshirt :) THEN I got to meet them!!!! *smiles* At first I thought "well I don't really care if I meet them or not today" but getting to meet them was really cool. I have been a fan of their music for 7 years! They were the first band I ever listened to. Up until then I wasn't really interested in listening to c.d.s. So they signed two posters and a c.d. cover for me. After they played we didn't really know any of the others bands. So we walked around and collected free stuff. And then we went to some of the other stages and heard some other bands play. My favorite performance all day had to have been Foxy Shazam

. We have never heard of them before. We were sitting down at a table next to an empty stage eating our nachos and then they came on to perform. They were so entertaining and funny. We bought their c.d. and got it signed and some posters too. After that we were going to wait for Goldfinger (I don't remember if I like them or not) and then My Chemical Romance (just for my little sister) But I was really tired and I started to feel sick. So we decided to leave. We spent SO much money yesterday, I was surprised. But it was a fun day all in all. After eating dinner I went to bed because I was so tired. I woke up this morning at 5am though and couldn't get back to sleep, lame! So I am still so tired. Hopefully I will feel better as the day goes on. Thankfully I get Tuesdays off. So I will be able to get some more rest then. Today Jack is supposed to come home from the hospital, unless he came home last night. So I hope he is feeling better. I am going to buy an alarm clock to put in the kitchen to go off every morning reminding him to take his medication. Because I don't want him to have anymore heart attacks on account of that. I am still sorting out the thread for my new cross stitching project! Its going to be so big. I really hope it turns out nice :) Well I have to go wash my hair before work... So I guess we never really got to the "frustrated" mood.... I guess next time!
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