I am pretty sure that I have mentioned this band before. Anyways, Jake and I discovered them by accident and now we both love them so much! We've been to two of their concerts so far.

And they are about to be in town again. Jake and I are going to go to every concert in the area! Yeah, believe me, its necessary. Promise. Seeing them in concert is so much fun.

Plus last time we saw them in concert I discovered a new band that I really like as well, from Boston

Bad Rabbits ;) This is how I think people view Foxy Shazam, love or hate.

(How can you not love these guys?!) They are one of those bands that I feel don't really have that much of an in-between following. They are quirky, and high energy. I love it. Anyways, I think there are about 3 concerts that we will be going to at the end of this month, in a row. Its going to be a blast.

I bet I'll feel like a rock star ;P I will try to get some photos for you guys! I am going to try to learn the words to more of their songs so that I can sing along better this time. I love their music, but most of the time I am listening to it while doing homework and haven't memorized the words. And concerts are better when you know the words :)
Ok guys, I didn't forget about the "geekery" post, but I haven't sat down and figured out how to post the photos from my ipad onto blogger yet, so I will make it a goal of mine to do next week :) I would say this weekend, but I have midterms to study for. So, I'm sorry for dangling a carrot and not giving it to you yet. I know, it was mean. I didn't mean to drag it out this long. And now when I finally post it, you will be expecting something uber cool and it will disappoint, lol, epic fail. Oh well. I am confident that you guys will forgive me :) Because you guys are the best!
I love how you follow them around! Have you ever met the band before? You should try and do that :D Have fun at all those concerts!
JEALOUS! 3 concerts! You little rocker!
By the way, I need to get my stuff together. I've meant to listen to Foxy Shazam the first time you mentioned them (months and months ago).
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