the first one I made!

a semi side view to see the layers

a close up
This one was such a project! At first the pink layer was too big, so I cut it in half and redid it (which means that I restitched it by hand) Then I did the same exact thing for the grey/brown layer and the cream lace layer. Then I incorporated the tulle on one side. To finish it off I sewed some crystal beads in the center. Is this something that you would use? What do you think of the colors, textures, and such?
Next I wanted to make one using some fabric from an old tank top that never fit right but I couldn't bring myself to throw away.

So this one has a cotton fabric (tank top) on the bottom with cute little blossoms.

The colors are off-white, blues and a little purple. So on top of that layer I added some cream lace, then some of the tan canvas.

For the crystal beads this time I sewed them on in a circle using coordinating colors to the bottom layer.
Next I used the other tank top, same exact top but different colors for the blossoms.

I sewed it a little differently than the last one so that it was more of a circle.

I didn't want to make it too thick so there is just a touch of tulle over the bottom layer.

Then a purple layer to go with the colors in the tank top. It took me a while to settle on the last layer. But I finally decided to go with grey lace. Then more crystal beads for the center.
So what do you think? Are these pins/clips that you would use? Or would this be one of those awkward homemade gifts that you never actually use? You can be brutally honest.
I think they are great! But they are definitely style specific. I don't think I'd wear them often unless they matched my outfit well or if I was going out and wanted something fun in my hair. I would use them to decorate my plain purse or backpack though. Maybe it would be fun to decorate a cloth bag with these to make a nice re-usable shopping bag. Or, to use one (or two) colors/types of fabric so that you can wear them with more outfits. Great job though they look darling :)
To be brutally honest... They are adorable! I would wear them!
While on Portugal, I feel in love with a little boutique that only carried Portugal specific designers. One of the designers had flowers (just like yours - Pins, fabric and all) that were either pinned to a blouse, purse, headband, tote, sweater or dress. It dolled up the outfit, made it feminine and delicate.
This is my way of saying, I love them.
You know I told you that I probably wouldn't wear them OFTEN, taking a second look I actually think I would wear them more often then I first imagined. They are super cute ness. And even though some of them are busy (and busy does not = bad btw) They could totally dress up a cute little black dress or cardigan : )
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