Ok so I have been so busy around here lately. I have been battling either really bad headaches or migraines almost everyday for the past two weeks. I don't know why its worse than normal! Anyways, yesterday I woke up early and started my Christmas baking! I made some wonderful treats that I've never tried making before. So it took me hours and hours to finish. But all in all I am happy with the outcome :)

These are my salted caramels. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I had to make myself stop munching on them while wrapping them up! I had some left over (after setting some aside for myself and for gift giving) so I left them on a plate in the kitchen. They were gone before nightfall!

This is them wrapped into individual tootsie roll type shapes. Its supposed to make it so that its easy to eat one serving, but I really doubt thats going to happen!

These are the snowflake sugar cookies I made. I bought a snowflake cookie cutter just for the cookies, but the dough was being a pain and so I ended up just making round cookies and making snowflakes out of the icing!

And last but not least these are my cranberry and chocolate (dark chocolate chips inside and a layer of white chocolate on the top) biscotti. These are yummy, but not as flavorful as I thought they would be. Next time I think I'll add some sliced almonds and vanilla extract :) But they are still yummy as they are.

I also finally mailed out the last of our Christmas cards. I didn't send out cards to friends this year like I normally do, so please don't be sad when you don't get one! I had such a small amount of time on my hands this year with school and all and I decided to just send cards to family.

Oh my Christmas gifts this year. I am so happy with the wrapping. It just makes me smile. I did use the same paper for almost ever single gift, but I like to think that you almost can't tell. I used a lot of fabric ribbon, lace, stickers, and glitter :) Instead of using name tags for the "to" and "from" I just used some vintage looking initial stickers and made sure to keep track of the ones that are for people with the same initials, or just used middle or last name initials. It took more time then if I used more modern wrapping means, but I like the glamour of this vintage look :)
I even wrapped up at least 8 more gifts after this photo was taken!
So how are your Christmas preparations coming along? I am pretty much done. Which is good because ofter tomorrow Jake will be off work until after Christmas and it will be nice to not have to run around getting last minute things ready while he's home :)