And I used it for a few days on and off. But the past week its actually bee hot at night. I've gotten so hot that I woke up sweaty and had to take my blanket off in order to fall back asleep. What the heck Winter? Stop playing games!
So Shelly decided to end her coffee addiction and apparently she overnighted it to my house! I have started having at least one huge cup of coffee per day. I don't dislike this new addiction. But I don't like being addicted to things. Because when I stay over at someone else's house and I can't afford to go out and buy that coffee I am going to get a huge headache. And thats just dumb. Nonetheless I am writing this post while drinking a huge cup of joe.

P.S. I have gotten so good at eyeballing my sugar and milk that I don't even taste test it anymore before heading out the door! I feel like this is some kind of accomplishment. It doesn't matter if its a big cup or a little one, I have it down good!
Finals week is upon me! I am so excited. I was ready to take some of my finals last week and it was torture to have to wait until this week to get them done with!

This morning I have my Biology final. I am not worried about this one at all. I am nervous about my Psychology test. But thats just because my teacher is whack. Believe me, I have studied hard for this test. I am not just blaming my teacher for my laziness! She has some issues. And I'm a little nervous about my calculus test. But mostly I'm just excited this semester is almost over and then I can do my Christmas shopping and preparations!
Yesterday my life path changed again. And I'm excited/scared. I can't ever seem to make life choices even if they seem small and trivial without having a great fear that I am making the wrong choice and that I will regret it one day. I don't think I will regret this though. We'll see.

I am not going to go to school to get a degree anymore! I am still going to take classes. Mostly for fun and to just learn. Its just that I wouldn't use my degree right after I graduated. In fact I probably wouldn't use it for 25 years or so afterwards. And by then I won't remember all the things I learned in the first place. So it would practically be like starting over again anyways. So if I want to work after I have kids and such then I might get a degree then. I know it would be harder to do then. But I can do it, if its where my heart is. I could do it now. I just don't think it really makes sense. But don't get any ideas Mom, and Grandma! I'm not settling down and having kids right away! I'm still waiting for a little while on that one :) However this does probably mean that I will be blogging more! Yea!
Ok well I'm not done with this semester yet, so I better go do some more studying :) I hope you're all having a wonderful day!
Winter most definitely isn't over in Germany. We just had a snowstorm come through yesterday. Not fun to go out (all my classes were cancelled) but beautiful to watch from the inside. It makes me feel like Christmas is coming. Maybe I should take a picture and send it to you :)
Good luck on your finals! Is your decision to quit getting a degree final? As I would like to ask you to rethink it! I'm in a similar situation, I still have at least a year of school ahead of me and the thought of kids in the future has often made me question it. However, I have decided that, even if I can only work in my workfield for a year or two before having kids, I will be doing something that I love.
I know that you are an excellent student, so you can do it. It will give you a goal to work towards to, too. That always makes it easier for me.
On a lighter note, I also ran out of coffee two days ago and had to quit cold turkey hehe. I like to drink tea instead as I love to drink something warm in the morning and evening. During summer I am exactly the opposite and love my iced mochas :)
Anyhow, two days ago I made my first home made Chai Tea Latte from scratch and it tasted very good. I made it with all the Christmas spices, so it made me feel very cozy and wintery. Yum!
Well see Vanessa I would be in school for about 5 years. And I'm not interested in working afterwards. I like biology, but I would rather be a mom earlier. I might try to finish school later in life, I'm not sure. I'm still taking classes for now. Because I don't want to have kids yet :)
Ok, that changes it a bit. How come it is five years? You can get a bachelor here in 3 years and a master in 2 years, so together it is 5 years.
I understand your reasoning, because I opted out of getting a phD after I graduate because it would also mean an additional 5 years of school. Right now I like still being in school though with the recession and all :)
Congratulations on your 4.0 again!
I'm terribly sorry for overnighting my coffee addiction. Although, I do miss the comfort of a warm cup of strong coffee... so in that way I'm jealous.
Good luck with your Christmas preperations!! The count-down has begun!
oh my, so my little cousin (about 7 mo.) is here for Christmas with her parents (Jake's cousins) and she is so adorable! Makes me wish I was having a baby next year! But they are moving in with us next Summer, so I guess that will help fulfill my baby wants :)
Vanessa it would take me that long because it takes 4 years to get an undergraduate degree here normally. But with the budget cuts to schools there are SO MANY less classes and so it would take me about 3 years at the community college and then 2 more years at the regular college.
Shelly, I am thinking that as soon as Christmas is over I need to kick my new addiction! I will still have coffee every once in a while, but not every day like it is right now :) And I just posted a Christmas post!
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