So today I was browsing google for a photo for a post I was planning on doing and I came across a stunning piece of art! So I did some digging and found the artist and poked around his blog. OH MY GOODNESS. I wish I had more money! I would totally buy one of his cityscapes or "tree" pieces! I am in love with water color paintings right now. Another thing of his that I really love are his fossil rock series :) What a neat idea. My friend Heaven really knows what to say when she is talking about art, I envy that. I feel like a babbling idiot when I am trying to express how I feel about a piece of art, or an artist. But oh well... Anyways this guy's name is David and he lives in Colorado. But he recently took a trip to Oregon and made art there as well. I suppose he worked in the tech world for 14 years and finally broke free and became a full time artist. Here are a few of his pieces that I am in awe with right now...
Although you said it in your blog, you love water color! I have heard that water color is an incredibly difficult medium to work in. I commend David Castle on his works and the details he includes especially for the medium. He paintings are really neat! Thanks for sharing!
Neat! I especially like the geometric pieces. Watercolor is so free form sometimes but can be so interesting when given boundaries! That is what I like about those rectangular collage ones...I bet you could mimic those ones pretty easily, if you do some experimenting and use some tape! No one will know...
Although you said it in your blog, you love water color! I have heard that water color is an incredibly difficult medium to work in. I commend David Castle on his works and the details he includes especially for the medium. He paintings are really neat!
Thanks for sharing!
Neat! I especially like the geometric pieces. Watercolor is so free form sometimes but can be so interesting when given boundaries! That is what I like about those rectangular collage ones...I bet you could mimic those ones pretty easily, if you do some experimenting and use some tape! No one will know...
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