And actually tonight was the first time that I rubbed it in all the way and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. So it was the first time that I noticed that when you do that it leaves your skin super soft! And the scent of the scrub lingers on your skin after towel drying and everything! But its not a harsh overwhelming smell at all, in fact I can only smell it with my nose on my skin. As I was in the shower using this scrub it really reminded me of the ocean. Which is kind of funny because it has sea salt in it. The sea salt in the scrub is what makes it a scrub, but it dissolves really fast. Which I personally like. But I have heard some people complain that they want the grainy feel for longer. LUSH makes a lot of bath and shower (and other general body) products. I love their bath bombs, but I have no bath in my room (just a shower). So I have been using more of their shower scrubs, gels, and soaps. You can also use the bath bombs in the shower by sprinkling them on the shower floor and just enjoying the smell as you shower. Or you can crush the bomb and use it as a shower scrub as well! Its so versatile! Plus my favorite thing about LUSH is that everything is handmade and uses such great ingredients. And on a lot of the products they have a cartoon photo of the actual person that made your product. It has such a homey feeling to it. So personal. Taking a shower or bath is seriously one of my favorite pastimes... I find it to be a great way to relax. And it almost always helps with my sore muscles! Anyways, (sorry I am all over the place tonight!) back to talking about this rub rub rub... Its a pretty blue color, I already mentioned the sea salt... One thing to note about this soap is that it doesn't really lather into a foam like most soap does. But I don't mind that. I don't need bubbles in order to feel like I'm using a body wash. I just want it to clean my skin and make it feel soft. And this scrub does a great job at both of those! I strongly suggest leaving it sit for a few minutes on your skin, perfect time to do your shaving, and then rinse it off. By doing this you are letting the oil seep into your skin and moisturize :) However I should note that there is lemon in this scrub, so if you have any open sores make sure to steer clear! A lot of LUSH products have citrus in them so keep that in mind. LUSH is really nice about samples, so if you want to just try something before forking over some dough for it go to your local shop and just ask for one! The last time I was there I got a sample of their most popular hand cream and one of their cuticle creams.

It's so nice to try something before buying it! So go out and get a sample. I am sure you will love it and be hooked, just like I am!
I like your new obsession. New obsessions in general are fun. They are like little side hobbies that one can get super into or not.
I'm really interested in getting some sort of bath balm that helps one's muscles relax (I'm almost always tense). I think I may try this LUSH product.
Thanks Vanessa!
No problem. I am going to be doing like a weekly LUSH review for a while or something like that because I have a whole bag (like $150 worth) of stuff from them! It's crazy! They had an insane sale after Christmas and my cousin and I spent a lot of money there :)
Some of my co-workers have met the people in the little cartoons who made the products! (the Lush workshop is in Vancouver, so it is like 3 hours away from me). They said that they are really nice! And all of the molds for soaps and such are hand made...isn't that rad?
They say that Lemony Flutter is a really good tattoo brightener also, which I've seen happen. You just rub it on and the tattoo looks fresh and new, and well defined. Its cool, and gives me more incentive to get a tattoo...ha.
Heaven you crack me up! I always wanted to get a tattoo but never have! I thought that the lemony flutter was too oily. I didn't like it that much. I rather just use regular lotion and make sure to rub some into my cuticles. I think its a little too high maintenance to use two different things. But sometimes I do wish I did more for my hands. So I'm kind of torn...
My cousin bought this bath bomb kit online and we made some the other day! It was a lot of fun :) But I still like LUSH better!
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