Tuesday, February 9, 2010

you vlogger you

Ok so I FINALLY figured out how to turn on my web cam and record a video! Wahoo. Ummm so here is my first video blog. Enjoy... I talk really fast sometimes, I was nervous, and I was trying to make it short because otherwise it takes a day and a half to upload onto Youtube!...


ok so this is the 6th video that I made because I am having some issues with my internet or something and all the other ones were too long and took FOREVER to upload and then timed out. So here is a short one. I'll try again later!


Heaven said...

I thought it would be awkward, honestly, but it was nice to see and hear from you! Good job Vanessa! :) You were very composed. Miss you.

Vanessa said...

I thought it was going to be much more weird too! I know almost everyone hates the sound of their voice on recordings. But that was not an issue for me. I actually sounded exactly like I thought I would! But I noticed that I make such funny facial expressions! And this was like the 6th video that I made... so I cut a lot of the rambling out :) I miss you too! I mention you in the next video!