ughhh, so today I found some old photos. Some were cute, and some brought back bittersweet memories. I have to say, my little sister-in-laws have always been the cutest! I loved looking through all the old photos of them that Jake has :) Right now Jake is bottling a batch of homemade beer. I'm so excited to taste it in a few weeks! Tonight for dinner I made potstickers from
Shelly's blog post. Everyone loved them. But it took me TWO hours to make enough for everyone for dinner! Whew. Plus the cabbage upset my tummy :( I am looking forward to quite a few things tomorrow. First of all it's Saint Patricks Day! I am part Irish and I love St. Pats Day. It makes me so happy. It reminds me of my Great Grandmother Rosie, who was my favorite person. Ever. Besides Jake of course! She is who I try to be like. I want to be remembered the same way that I remember her :) So tomorrow I will cook my traditional St. Pats dinner. Corned Beef, cabbage, and little red potatoes. I will wear green. I will drink Irish car bombs. I will wear my newly made St. Patricks Day necklace. And I will be jolly the whole day through! I am also going to go on a bike ride with my cousin Heather. I love bike rides! I will take the day off from running most likely. But I'm not sure, I want to keep up everyday. But I am going bike riding, so maybe that could count as my exercise. Today I went bowling with Heather! I have wanted to go bowling again for a LONG time. It was so much fun. We played three games. That's my max. My neck and shoulder starts to hurt by the end of the first game. And its pretty bad by the third game (I got 50 points out of a 300 points possible!).
Ok so I wanted to do another little LUSH review. I actually have two things for you guys today. The first one I have already mentioned before. The Curly Wurly shampoo! I got it as a sample the last time that I was in LUSH. I have been pretty impressed with this shampoo. First of all because I only use about a quarter sized amount of it for my whole head of hair! And I have a lot of long thick hair! So that was the first thing that I noticed about the quality of this shampoo. The second thing that I noticed was that there are slivers of coconut in this shampoo! It's so cool! Here is a photo of it (I've posted it before).

The sample size from LUSH is 1/4 of an ounce and I have used this sampoo 4-5 times already and I still have about half the sample left! That just shows how a little goes a long way with this shampoo! I love that. This product has so many yummy yummy things in it! Like I said, coconut, but it also has lemon juice, papaya, eggs (free range), cocoa butter, shea butter, jojoba oil, avocado, olive oil, and vanilla! Whoa! So many good things! My suggestion is to wet hair, scoop out small amount of shampoo, lather into hair, and let sit for about 10 minutes while you wash your body (so that the oils and butter can moisturize your hair better), then rinse! I still use a conditioner afterwards because I have dry hair. But this is a really moisturizing shampoo, so if you don't have dry frizzy hair you could be able to just use this one shampoo and no conditioner! It is a little more on the spendy side. Its $19.95 for a 7.8oz tub. But!! Like I said, you only need a much smaller amount per wash for this shampoo compared to other ones. So it's more than likely worth it in the end. Plus I guarantee its a much nicer shampoo than other ones out there. All natural and fresh ingredients!
And for my friends with non curly or wavy hair, I also tried out their Big shampoo

. Which was also really really nice. Its just that it wasn't for my hair personally. Since I'm looking for more moisturizing like the Curly Wury provided. But this one has big pieces of sea salt in it. It was so cool to use! And it smells really nice too. It cleaned my hair really nicely :) Here are some of the ingredients... Sea salt (almost half of the shampoo is salt because it gives your hair a lift, more volume!), fresh organic lemon juice, sea water, seaweed extract, fresh organic lime juice, vanilla, and extra virgin coconut oil. More yummy things :)
The other product that I really want to encourage you all to try (a must! a must!) is the soap called Porridge. This soap is kind of brownish with chunks in it.

This soap has bits and pieces of oatmeal in it! It's a gentle exfoliation. There's also sunflower oil, coconut, fresh orange juice, sweet orange oil, This soap smells so warm and sweet. It has kind of a honey scent to it as well. This is one of the softest lathered soaps I've used. It feels like silk bubbles! Its a really creamy soap so unfortunately it melts faster then some of the other ones. But I love it. It has been the longest lasting on my skin in the scent department. Most of the other soaps I can only smell on my skin for an hour or so after I shower. But this one I could still smell on my skin when I was going to bed (I had showered in the morning!). Its a really lovely soap :)
Ummm so one thing I hate about blogging is how long it seems to take me sometimes to just write one post! FOREVER. And a day.
goodnight. It's much too late!