I know I haven't posted a blog post in a while. I have actually been doing things around the house. Go me. Like organizing all the photos on our computer. Talk about a big task! And trying to keep our room semi-clean-ish. Blah. And today I dumped out my whole bead container and reorganized all of the beads. I now have all the different beads in individual bags that are then sorted into bigger bags by color. Its so much easier to see what I have now. Beforehand I was constantly spending five minutes looking through the whole container for a certain bag of beads, and I always seemed to just not see it! So now I can just grab the big bag of the color that I want and look in there for the ones I want. So much nicer. Yesterday we spent the afternoon and evening with Jake's family. I spent a majority of the time making jewelry with my sister-in-laws. I gave them some new beads to use, and coincidentally the beads matched their new skirts! They are getting better and better at jewelry making! I made a matching necklace and bracelet for a shirt that I got last week. I wore them today :) Lucy my sea anemone seems to be doing better. I thought for sure the second day I had her that she was going to die. But she looks so much better now. And I think she might live for a while now. Hubert the clown fish has pretty much decided not to host with her. So that's kind of sad. I got her just for him, to make him more content in the tank. For company. But no. Thanks a lot Hubert. Oh well, at least she's still pretty on her own. One of my crabs has changed into a big shell and then back into his smaller shell five time in the past few days. I wish he would make up his mind! Although I guess it doesn't really matter to me which shell he's in, or if he wants to keep switching for that matter. For some reason it just kind of annoys me :P Ok so I'm listening to Jars of Clay right now, and it's kind of a downer. So I think I'll change the music...
Music officially changed.
I'm now listening to Chumbawamba Tub Thumper

Because I'm that cool. Ok just kidding. Seriously, I still have my Christmas wreaths in my room and on our door. I think I really need to make some Spring type of decor to replace them. It's been 3mo, since Christmas. Maybe that will be my goal for tomorrow. So another thing that has been keeping me busy this week is EXERCISE! I have gone running everyday for five days (I didn't go yesterday, it was my "rest" day for running). And I have lost 1 1/2 lbs since I started doing that. I hope this continues for like 10-15 more pounds. I kept with it and went running this morning after dragging my butt out of bed. Seriously I woke up and looked at the clock "7:03am", went back to sleep, "8:33am" went back to sleep even though I thought "it's getting kind of late", "9:46am", "ok get out of bed Vanessa!". So I did, but believe me I could've slept for at least another hour. I was ridiculously tired. Anyways, I was running and my ankles were SO SORE. So I walked one block in the middle of my mile and a quarter run. But then as I was walking back (I run the mile and then walk back home to cool off afterwards, I can't stand showering all out of breath) I saw this guy about a block away smoking, really creepy middle-aged black man in rugged clothes, and as I got closer and closer I could see him staring at me the whole time. Then when I was about to pass where he was on the other side of the street he walked over towards me. I was really nervous. But he was walking across the street slowly, so I just started jogging again. He didn't follow me, but he did yell something at me. Gross. Thankfully it was on a busy street and there were other people around too. So I wasn't too scared. I never go running out in the woods alone or anything like that! Ok well Jake is home now, and we have to do things tonight, so stay tuned readers!
I have missed your blog posts :-P but its ok! Dude, organizing photos takes SOOO long! I do it like once a year, and it is a pain! But very helpful in the end.
I'm really glad Lucy is doing better, she is pretty! Too bad Hubert is anti-social :-(.
Yesterday when I stayed up until 5 am, all I listed to was: Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Beyonce. Oh, and Kid Cudi. All these like, really "lame" not the best quality music but it totally kept me awake and was fun to listen to! Chumbawumba is the same deal!
I'm with Heaven, I miss your blog posts.
You sound so motivated with your running. 5 days is the start of a habit! Good for you! I think when I get back I'll start some sort of daily exercise. Portugal has showed me that I'm out of shape. :P
By the way, when I used to go running, I would get the creepiest weirdos around me. I'm not a fan.
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