First and foremost, I am completely and utterly obsessed with the color grey right now. I want everything in grey! I want to work (in my crafts) with grey! I love it. There is something about that color right now to me that seems peaceful, calming, strong, and trendy. Yesterday someone said they hated grey because its gloomy. I don't feel that way about grey at all :) I saw a sunrise painting yesterday as well and I tried to describe this one section of the sky as bluish pinkish grey. So she replied "so its a murky purple?" I am so so so bad at describing things, this is admittedly one of my faults that I really dislike. But no, it was NOT a murky purple. It was beautiful. I wish I could capture that same color and the feeling that it evokes in me in a painting of my own. So my first obsession is grey!
My second obsession right now, since we're on the topic of colors! Are the colors teal and coral pink together :) Talk about bright and catching colors! I also really like yellow right now (sorry mom!). I have been making a lot of necklaces and bracelets with teal and coral together :) Plus I recently have bought clothes in both of those colors. I love paintings and cards and what nots in these wonderful colors right now.

Third obsession. I am obsessed with Solitaire, seriously. I play a minimum of five games every night while I am waiting for my sleep aid to kick in. I love that game. I love playing in on my phone, on the computer, or in person with a real deck of cards.

Fourth obsession. I could drink iced tea all day every day. And I would probably still think its a wonderfully refreshing

Now this one I have mentioned already. I am obsessed with watercolor paintings right now, I won't post more photos of that though, as I have posted a lot of that one lately...
My sixth obsession right now are headbands. I have been wearing them everyday for a while now. If you know me, you know that for over a year I have been doing my hair with a little poof in the front using two black clips. Well wearing my hair like that all the time was pulling on my scalp where I always put the clips. So one day I bought a pack of five very plain headbands from Forever21 and I have been wearing them ever since! I like headbands because my hair is naturally curly wavy and so I have a lot of little wisps! Plus headbands look nice and don't pull on my scalp!

For my seventh obsession (I know you're thinking "gosh she obsesses a lot" and its totally true!) I'd like to say that pistachio ice cream from Ben and Jerry's is perfection. I love every single bite of that ice cream. It found the one sweet tooth in my mouth and they fell in love. For reals.

This obsession (eighth) might not come as a surprise, but I really love owls. There is just something about them, and I mean all of them! I have never met an owl I didn't want to take home ;) They are so classic, heartwarming, and charming. I would pretty much get anything that had an owl on it...

Ahhh and now, its time for another new obsession! Tenth. I am obsessed with pairing my outfits with cardigans right now! It looks so much nicer then a jacket at times. And its lighter. They are perfect for the slightly chilly weather we've been having lately. Plus I just really like the way they look right now.

And back to an older, but still fresh, obsession of mine. Coming in at eleventh on my list (these are not listed in order or how I like them...) "woodgrain". I just love the way that woodgrain looks. To me its warm, and inviting. It feels so fresh, and easy. It makes me relaxed.

I noticed the other day that I have an obsession (twelfth) with avocados right now too. I have been eating so so many of them lately. My uncle buys a big bag of them, so we always have a lot in the house. But my obsession hasn't stopped there. I've eaten them at restaurants lately too! I can't get enough of them. What's funny is that I used to not like them...

I have always had a bit of an obsession (thirteenth) with paintings or photos (or even drawings I suppose!) of tree silhouettes. Especially with a bright background color.

Another thing that you already know I have an obsession (fourteenth) with right now is the company LUSH. I love their stuff! Seriously amazing!

I'm almost done! Lately I have really loved the way that asymmetrical jewelry looks. I've made a few bracelets like that and shown them here on my blog, so no need for more photos of those ones! But here is one from a talented artist on Etsy! Her name is a total mystery to me, I tried to find one, but no luck. Here is a link to her shop...

And last but not least I have recently discovered the band Train. I know I know, where have I been? Some of their songs are ones that I totally recognized from years and years ago, but I never knew the name of the band! I love their song Hey Soul Sister. Although after I heard my little 8yr old sister-in-law sing "hey soul sister, mister mister mister..." about a million times the other day I am less in love with the song... j/k. This guy seriously has such a soothing voice. This song really makes me want to dance barefoot wearing a cute dress... weird, but in a good way ;)
Ok well I hope that you enjoyed reading about the things that make my heart skip a beat lately! I hope you are all having a wonderful day. But I want to wish Shelly I VERY wonderful birthday! I have a new found appreciation for you, and I think your an absolutely charming girl. I hope to see more of you!
I loved reading this! First of all, didn't you used to be allergic to avocados? Or was that your mom? They are sooo yummy. If I am ever a vegetarian I will eat avocado sandwiches at least weekly because they are so satisfying!
And I agree...coral and teal look so pretty together. This girl in my class was wearing a teal dress with a coral cardigan and coral/white scarf and she looked adorable.
P.S. Your outfit is so CUTE! ahh!
First and foremost you are the sweetest!
I completely enjoyed "your obsession" blog post. I'm glad you are getting into cardigans. They go with everything! More girls need to wear cardigans.
I'm with you on your obsession for iced tea! I'm falling in love with it too! Especially extra strongly brewed iced black tea. :)
By the way: I have been looking everywhere for LUSH products and I can't find them anywhere! UGH!
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