ok so a few bloggers have been posting a tribute to their best friend or the one person they know they can always count on (besides spouse I suppose). Now I have been meaning to do a post about this for a while. And here is why I haven't... I don't really know if I have an "anyway" friend. (an explanation of the term "anyway" friend, is a person that no matter what you do they will love you or support you anyways) I have gotten really distant with many of my old best friends since I got married. I suppose mainly because I don't live as close anymore. Secondarily because I got married and moved away around the same time that all of us were going away to college (a normal time for friends to drift apart). Anyways, this has ALWAYS bothered me. And as I thought about it more and more I realized that there are few people that I have called my best friend, and who would have called me their best friend in return. In fact, I am not positive that I have been anyone's number one best friend, besides Jake that is. I am not really sure why that is. I am not a shy or "closed" person emotionally. I love making friends. And I try very hard to this day to be very loyal and good to my friends. I make constant efforts to write to my friends, or to text, or email, or call them on a regular basis. And there is only one friend who regularly writes me back. She is the friend whom I have called my best friend for many years now. Heaven Lee Burr.

I love her dearly. She has always been there to listen to me. She has always been so well tempered towards me (I don't think we have ever ever fought!). She is very sweet, one of the sweetest most polite girls that I have ever met. When you talk to her you can tell that she is really listening to you. And she gives really good advice when I'm having a hard time. I appreciate a lot about Heaven, my best friend. But there is room for our friendship to grow. We don't see each other hardly ever. I am married, and she isn't (I only bring this up because there are times that I crave some advice that she can't quite understand yet for herself. None the less, like I mentioned, she is full of a lot of great advice, and most of the time this is not an issue). And I'm not really sure if I'm her best friend. I would understand not being her best friend. For all the reasons I have mentioned and more. I think our main issue is distance. I believe that if we lived closer we would be stronger friends. I love Heaven dearly, and if I had to pick an anyways friend, it would be her. She is an amazing friend.
I have had a few other best friends before Heaven that I think would have my back if I called them and needed help. But I am not confident. One of those friends is Matthew Lombardo.

We were friends for a really long time growing up. But after high school our friendship has really fallen apart. I still think so much of him, and would ALWAYS have his back. He means so much to me. We just kind of run in different circles now. No hard feelings at all. He better invite me to his wedding someday though! For reals! :)
Another one of those good friends of mine is Bethanne Trinidad.

This may seem like kind of a dramatic post. I'm not trying to be. It's just kind of the truth. I don't understand it. It bothers me. But I don't really think I can change it. I do what I can for my friends. I really try. But the miles in between really weigh on relationships I suppose.
A new friend of mine that I have been talking to a lot (well it feels like that. Because I read all her blogs and watch all her vlogs, I follow all her tweets, and her status updates on fb. And most of the time I comment, and she comments back, and so forth) is Shelly Swearingen.

She is a doll. Her personality kind of reminds me of myself. She makes me feel at ease with my own awkwardness as she embraces her own. I find her endearing. And she is one of the best (most interesting and funny) bloggers I know! I really look forward to becoming better friends with her :)
blah blah blah, enough with this post! Something about it is making me feel weird. So I hope you guys have a great day!
Best friends are rare and like a treasure. There was this episode on "Felicity" where they discussed this idea of best-friend-ness. Ultimately, Felicity and the audience came to the conclusion that best friends are hard to come by and are earned after years of affection, patience, and growth.
I thought it was a beautiful description.
Oh, Vanessa! Thank you for the kind words and thoughtfulness...I am glad that I have been there for you, I do not feel like I have been! But you feel that way, so that is good. I feel like I get so caught up in school, work, and emotions so easily that it is difficult for me to take time out for others. But, thanks :-) You are sweet. And, also, I think that it is hard for me to "name" a best friend...even when I was a child I never named anyone as my best friend. The only person who I have readily (and easily, the most important thing) called my best friend is Robert. But, you definitely are one of them Vanessa! Sorry that I have never said that :-) I miss you! Hopefully we can see each other much more in the years to come.
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