So I want to do a little post about the samples that I got for my friend Shelly today so that she can know what will be coming her way sometime soon. She mentioned in her last vlog that she doesn't ever use a face cleanser because it makes her face feel dried out. Um me too! That is until I recently tried some lush face cleansers! So the first thing I wanted to her her was a sample of the two face washes that I alternate between right now. So that would be Angels On Bare Skin, the more moisturizing one in my opinion. It's made from a lot of almonds, lavender, and rose. It smells like sweet earth to me

Next is the Aqua Marina face cleanser. This is their "sushi roll" face cleanser. It's called that because it is wrapped in Nori Seaweed! Its a less moisturizing cleanser with a lot of calamine in it (the pink stuff you put on chicken poxs!. It sounded weird to me at first, which is why I tried AOBS first. But I really like this one! I feel like it cleans a little more then the AOBS, but maybe that's partly because it isn't as moisturizing. But I don't feel like it dries out my skin at all

Next I got a sample of the same face moisturizer that I have, Paradise Regained. The reason I picked out this one is because it has some sun protector agents in it and the sun is coming out more now days...

And while I was over in the lotion area I asked the guy helping me (Derek!) to give me a sample of his favorite hand lotion for Shelly to try out. He picked out Handy Gurugu. I had never tried this one before so I sampled some on my skin. I really liked the smell of it, kind of light and fresh. However he put a TON on my hands and it took me a really long time to rub it in, and then about 5min later he says "oh! Wait! You're not allergic to peanuts are you?!?" Why yes I am thank you very much. Thankfully for me its not biggie I just washed my hands off and didn't even notice a thing. He felt really bad though. So Shelly, I hope you're not allergic to peanuts

Then one thing I really wanted Shelly to get a sample of when we were at the store together was the Big shampoo, for more volume! So I got her a sample of that one...

And she mentioned really liking the Jungle solid conditioner, so I asked for another sample of that one for her too

Then I got a slice of the Rock Star soap for her. Everyone has to try this soap. It has such a yummy girly smell! And its bubble gum pink! Its a soft creamy soap too :)

And then I asked the lady helping me (Derek went on his 10min break) to pick out another soap for a small sample, she picked out Figs And Leaves Soap. I've never tried this one. But I have heard some good things about it. So I hope that Shelly likes it as well

And I am planning on including some slices of soaps that I have here already (not used of course! I never take a whole bar of soap into my shower, too much soap! I cut my bars down to smaller pieces and use those. It makes it easier for me, and I can switch soaps depending on my mood) So those ones are first and foremost, Honey I Washed The Kids. This is a really popular soap. And it smells so sweet! It's a really creamy soap, so it kind of melts faster. But I just love the smell, honey, caramel, and toffee (and hints of bergamot and orange!) I cannot put this soap down

Then a piece of some Sea Vegetable! I love this soap :) It smells like the ocean to me. And its soooo pretty (mine is purple on the bottom, not yellow)

And last but not least I plan on including a slice of some Chox Away Soap. I just got this one and it smells amazing! It doesn't smell like just chocolate! It has some white and dark chocolate in it, but there is also some orange, vanilla, and of all things, peppermint! It is a really good mix. I haven't tried it yet, but I think I will love it

Wow, this ended up being more things then I thought! I hope it will be beneficial to you Shelly! I love trying out samples before committing to a purchase. So I thought (especially as a lush newbie) that you would like trying all these wonderful things!