Tuesday, April 6, 2010
pretty hair
One of my biggest annoyances with washing my hair and wearing it down is that the first day after I wash it it looks dry and frizzy to me. I have tried leave in conditioners before, but they just weighed down my hair too much and made it greasy too fast. When I cleaned out under my sink yesterday I found a leave in conditioner that I got a while ago, but forgot about and never tried! So last night after then gym I took my shower and put the leave in conditioner in my damp hair. Then this morning I woke up to..... pretty hair! I love it! It looks so much better. Way better. I hope I have this experience every single time I use it. My hair has been dry for the past week (more dry then normal) because for the week before that I was trying out different sample shampoos that I had. One was from Lush, the I Love Juicy shampoo (which I gave to my oily haired sister in law (she loved it to pieces)). And the other was the shampoo that my cousin and I made. Neither were for my hair type and added no moisture like I need. So that week and the week after my hair was so dry and tangly. I feel like it's finally getting back to how it was after I discovered Curly Wurly. This shampoo is the only one (plus a little Kirkland to add lather) I use now. No more trying other ones. And I use Matrix condition at first and then add my coconut pineapple conditioner on top of that. And now I added a Matrix leave in conditioner
I am in love. Its hard to keep my hair nice when it gets long. And I feel like its really getting long. I am sure I am going to feel like its too long once the weather heats up! Especially since my hair is crazy thick! Anyways, I just wanted to encourage you to try out some Matrix products, I got mine at Target :) But I've seen them at other drug stores too!

I love waking up to hair that already looks good!! I'm jealous of you though, my hair is the opposite of yours flat and volume-less.
I feel like you have been on this shampoo/conditioner endeavor for a while now. Congrats on finding something that works!! :)
Shelly! When we go to Lush you should get a sample of the shampoo called Big. It's supposed to give you lift and volume! Do you have oily hair? I am always having issues with my hair! I feel like in the past year it changed. And so that has made me go out and search for something to make it better! I feel like lately most of my blogs have been about beauty. And I know that makes me happy and it's interesting to me... but I now feel the urge to switch it up again. Maybe I'll try to do another art review :) I have just been really into bath and body stuff lately...
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