Thursday, April 29, 2010

where have you been all my life?

this is such a lame pick up line to me. "well up until the later years of my life (beings that I'm not that old) I wasn't looking for some douche to go out with, but now that you came along, why not?!" J/K. Seriously sometimes it annoys me the things that men say to me at checkouts. But anyways. I heard a song on the radio yesterday that I really don't like, and now its stuck in my head. I cannot tell you guys what song it is because I hate it so much that I don't want it to spread anymore than it already has! Why didn't I just change the station? I had looked for a good 20min for a decent station and had finally settled on this one. I figured I would just wait through the song and move onto a better one. But its been stuck with me ever since. Lame. Today I have to go out and find a plug timer for my fish tank lights and hope that it works perfectly the first time, because we are leaving bright and early tomorrow! I have to pack and "clean" our room today as well. I don't have any idea where we are staying, hotel wise, we are just picking one out when we get there. Jake and I have also not contacted any (scratch that, I contacted 1!) of the people we are planning on visiting while we are down there as well. This is not how I would plan a trip. I would have everything PLANNED. But I am learning to sit back and go with the flow. So I am taking it one step at a time, but I really hate not knowing what we're doing or where we're staying. I don't like this feeling that we are going to get there and have to run around like chickens with our heads cut off to find a good cheap hotel, or pay an arm and a leg for a decent one. Or the same thing of running around to see if our friends are available to hang out, or just plain flat out miss them altogether because we didn't give them any notice. This is not how I function. I make lists, and I check them off. I make calendar markings and reminders, and I plan out our days and so forth. I want to know things before I do them. But like I said, I am trying to just go with it. Because this is EXACTLY how Jake likes to travel. He likes to make no plans at all and fly by the seat of his pants. We'll see how it goes!

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