As you can see there are lots of different types of bubble tip anemones. But I didn't get any of these ones. I got a sebae. One of the hardest anemones to keep in an aquarium. And they would be hard to keep in a large tank, practically impossible to keep in a small one. When I told an aquarium owner what anemone I got he just told me that it was going to die within two weeks. That I wouldn't be able to keep it. Watch me! Anyways, let me tell you... Lucy is doing so well! She has not only picked a spot from day one and stayed there (important for survival), she is bigger then when I got her, much bigger. And she is able to "grab" food with her tentacles and bring them to her mouth! She closes up at night and "sleeps". And she has regrown a bit of her zooxanthellae!!! I am so happy. I was so convinced she was going to die. I was ready for it. And now I am hopeful. I hope I can keep her for awhile. Like I said, most anemones die within a month of buying them. They really don't last in tanks long. So even if I don't keep her too long, I guess I should be proud of the progress we made so far :) I am so excited to get more corals for the tank now that I know that its ready. I should've started with corals and then moved onto anemones. But I wanted one so bad for Hubert! He is so cute with his anemone :) He cuddles with her and lays on the arms. He almost looks dead sometimes because of how still he is when he lays on her. So precious. Anyways... The real reason I wanted to write this post today was to talk a little bit about some foundations. I have a ton of unopened face foundations under my sink. I took them out today and I am going to try them all out and decide which one I like the best. I have four to review. The first one is by Neutrogena. Its their Healthy Skin Glow Sheers with SPF 30 (SPF in foundations makes me so happy!)

Then the second one is also a Neutrogena one. Its the Healthy Skin Liquid Makeup, antioxidant blend (SPF 20)

Then the third one is by Maybelline. Its the Pure Makeup one. Supposedly its 50% water and its oil free, so its supposed to be better for your pores

And last but not least I have a foundation by Almay. Its the Pure Blends one (SPF 20)

So I will let you guys know in a few days what I think of these different ones :) Only one of them doesn't have SPF, the Maybelline one. So its already behind in my mind. We'll see. I hate wearing sunscreen, but I want to take care of my skin, no skin cancer please! So I like finding foundations with SPF in them. Win win.
Oh, and I just wanted to say that my lotion is my favorite lotion that I have ever used in my whole life. So I am incredibly happy with it. I plan on it being the only hand lotion I ever use :) I put the rest of my Aveno lotion in the larger bottle in the kitchen (we keep one in there because all of the girls in the house like to put lotion on all the time, soft hands live here!) and filled it up with my lotion so I can keep it in my purse. It was a pain in the butt to fill though! I had to get a straw and suck the lotion up through the straw and then insert it into the bottle and squeeze the lotion out into the little opening. At least its just a little bottle (one of those $1 bottles in the travel sized things in Target). The only reason I am not using it on my face is because there are small specks of vanilla bean in it that kind of stick to your skin for a little while. And I don't want to have a black spotted face! Plus I have some Bert's Bee's day and night face lotion right now. So its all good. My face has been so dry this weekend and today! I've already put lotion on twice today! But, my face is clearing up. I am so happy about that. It was breaking out like crazy for two weeks. I think its because I started going to the gym and sweating a lot and not getting to shower right away. And even though I would dry my face with the towel it was still really dirty and clogged my pores. So I bought one of those small packs of face wash cloths and put it in my gym bag. It seems to be doing the trick :) Unless that's not what made me break out. Because over the weekend I didn't use any of my new face lotion because we were out of town. And it was over the weekend that my face cleared up... so now that I am using the wipes and the lotion if the acne comes back I will try going off of this new lotion again. I'm just happy its clearing up right now:) Ok this is a long post.... Much longer then I anticipated... So I am going to get going!
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