I noticed that I like to start my blogs or sentences in general with "ok so...". I am trying to break that. Today when I went to the gym all the women in the locker room were getting dolled up for work. Putting on dress clothes and makeup. It kind of cracked me up. I'm so used to seeing women in there in gym clothes or bathing suits. I was in fact the only women in the locker room in gym clothes. I felt like I walked into the wrong room! I need new tennis shoes so bad! I felt skinnier today, but I have gained another pound. So I think I must be developing bigger muscles :) So I guess thats good. I wanted to tell you guys that today I saw a guy with a leopard print tie. It was really awesome. How stylin' is that?!?

Freaking amazing. I also found this gem of a shirt and it reminded me of
Heaven :)

And today I started wearing house slippers so that my white socks will stop turning brown on the bottoms!
1. I want to shake that guy's hand.
2. That shirt is AMAZING. It is SO CLEVER! oh my goodness! My friend Alex would have really liked that shirt!
Vanessa, you are so brave to weigh yourself.
I haven't weighed myself in 4 and 1/2 years!
P.S. I could totally see Heaven wearing that shirt!
I really like that shirt. I would wear it! And I've always wanted to have at least one piece of leopard print clothing in my wardrobe for as long as I live :) I love it, in moderation. Sometimes I wish I didn't weigh myself. But I do. It helps me gauge how I am doing. Because sometimes I gain a lot of weight and I don't realize it until I weigh myself. Like the first time I had a doctors appointment in a long time and they weighed me. I was like at least 15lbs heavier than I thought I would be! Crazy...
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